The Imposter | Among Us : Draw My Life
Draw My Story
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The Imposter Draw My Life is the life story of one of the creepiest monster in the history, name is The Imposter. So The Imposter in Among Us is an alien who somehow landed on earth after their planet got to the point of destruction. Yes you heard it like The Imposter came from some other planet like in the movies we see. So what is The Imposter’s purpose on earth and how is it surviving here, let’s know it in this The Imposter Draw My Life video.
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Next: herobrine
He sus
I want to say these so called imposter if you look close at it they are really not that much a threat also we have freaking nuclear power and oh yeah why not just cooperate with people to help save your planet we have nuclear power we can easily give to them to make a new power source for them we have freaking natural resources like coal or even some other things like water power wind power even frickin solar power how would they live without some heat and that's my argument
If this was a real monster we would have been in big trouble
So that's how he is
Pink:mmmmmm u sus
Me/yellow:..hrmmm eats
The imposter yellow loser sus and smell bad defents dead yellow imposter
Three imposter defend emergy meeting dead crewmate one dead body
hay its me
I play Among Us
How do you even know all about every different monsters?? I would really like to know
Trevor Henderson: Among Us Killer exists
Among Us: OH HELL NO
Me: Wait, That's Illegal
Among us is soooooo cool 😎
Blue: i saw red vent
You continue!
( blue is me)
It came from polus
The impostor is from Among Us
Among Us game
Hey I dawe a yoyo so you can make a story of your videos
They could have just asked people to help their planet.
aaaAAAAAaaaa….. aaaaahhhhhh.
i know that imposter is a trevor hendeson
😱😱😱😰☠️ I am scared it is real?
I'm just glad this monster is fake.
i thino i know why the imposters wanna rule the earth because they dont have toilets and we have toilets LOL
Thats sus
The Imposter? More like push subscribe
Why is the among us
I love the way you draw
Thats no creature thats among us the impostor
Ok so your talling me the impostor is trying to cip as liveing so it can get are live so they can live forever that is not trying to safe us is killing but your a creative monster maker
I want to semd a fanart to you
When the Imposter is nothing
What does a yellow Among Us character turn two lights Trevor Henderson yellow Among Us
So he got kicked then go to earth and turn into the impostor
SCP: 063807
object class: Keter.
SCP 063807 is a cartoonish beast resembling a character form popular video game Among us.
There are no recorded interviews as the viewer dies on sight, but the one Class D who survived suffered from hallucinations where objects around him morphed into the beast, scientists have reported the subject screaming "GET OUT OF MY HEAD" at night.
:red: is it me or is yellow sus yellow giant monster with mini tentacles coming out of head
when the impostor is sus
There's a real imposter in scared is real is in earth 😱
Among us monsters like ion
If the Impostor is T.HSUS
the purpose of the imposter is to kill all the crew mates and sabotage
Who else is looking in the comments for these kids saying AMOGUS
Omg bautyful have you draw crewmate draw my story?
Omg its bautyful have you draw crewmate draw my story?
Sub and like the vid😊 you wil seport him😊