The Imposter | Among Us : Draw My Life
Draw My Story
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The Imposter Draw My Life is the life story of one of the creepiest monster in the history, name is The Imposter. So The Imposter in Among Us is an alien who somehow landed on earth after their planet got to the point of destruction. Yes you heard it like The Imposter came from some other planet like in the movies we see. So what is The Imposter’s purpose on earth and how is it surviving here, let’s know it in this The Imposter Draw My Life video.
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How to send Fan art :
Please send me your beautiful fan arts in the email below. And I would love to give the best art piece a shout out in my next video.
Email : [email protected]
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Sub and like the vid and smash the bell you wil seport him😊
Hi 🙂
I dont know to you guys but i think he plays a lot of among us…
Draw a "goblin shark"
From among us
"hes not sus he just has a big brain."
Trevor henderson has created for the imposter
Do the planet romer
The only area that the kids are doing at school 🏫
the only weakness of the imposter is…getting voted out….
This is sus
Hey sir draw my life I want to let you know that the imposter that you may be describing is actually a common thing among us why I say that it's cuz impossible is an alien it's a shape shifter that means it may not have a natural form but goop with tentacles that just has enough parts of a body to sustain its life and it's alien so that that's kind of white may look like that
How to kill the Imposter
It's among us
It’s also dedicated to a game among us
I played among us free play imposter I looked like my real avatar 🤦🏻
Yellow is pretty SUS
I play among us😃😃
and iv sub like and that what you like😇
I love among us you fineal made A video of it
some ppls suck at drawing smh
i can't decide
. . .
This is true!Yall lucky im just a fan art… Or are you…?
Do you mean SUStenance
Hi I'm under and it's called I total center I'm gonna it to everyone on earth everything or 1Everyone
all the little kiddley whinke pre school kids are gonna say ooo among us yay and then just gets killed
Innersloth: Creates imposter
Trevor Henderson: Makes it 1000 times scarier
Innersloth: We should have not create imposter
Story started with iON
I love among us
When he said imposter I allways
know what game is that that game is
Among us
And plus why is yellow the imposter
Only red is the imposter in among us
And I play that game is super fun
Play the game among us is a fun game
I always play is and I want to be an
Oh no.. impostor Trevor Henderson AND impostor SCP. It’s spreading to a multitude of dimensions!
Among Us crewmates are not human then why are their hands not connected with arms
That’s among us
It’s called a needle Toung in the game “among us”
The imposter is an alien from outer space and it’s purpose is to kill
And it is not one of Trevor Henderson’s monsters it’s just a apple device game
It took a long time but… AMOGUS
How to send one of my pictures to you
Do you play Among us???
Why are imposter’s soo mean 😡😡
Do good boys
guys hes the IMPOSTOR in to the AMONG US in the het its so creepey
The imposter is among us
Me:hahahaha i get it!
Among us?