People Ruin Among Us -

People Ruin Among Us

People Ruin Everything
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  1. You should put Elvis the alien in your channel page on this channel

  2. The game is fun. but THE FUCKING MEMES ITS SO ANNOYING

  3. We don't see aliens on the earth because of this trash

  4. This confirms that crewmates are the sexiest characters of 2020, next to the tall lady of Village

  5. I played it, and they talked about doing they're mom's and stuff. I hate people like that 😡

  6. God the pr0n art… Why? I mean… Kids play this and like… Imagine one going onto the fanbase and then they see this and then they just get truamatized or ask their parents…. God I thought shipping was bad, now I think it's- actually I hate them both, who does this?


  8. Where can I find the meme of the blue Impostor twerking?

  9. looking back to this im glad that the game has descended into madness instead of the degeneracy….

    as far as i know….

  10. It’s all fun and games until they make the crew mates become thicc

  11. Where's people ruin My hero academia and friday night funkin?

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