People Ruin Among Us -

People Ruin Among Us

People Ruin Everything
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  1. VeggieTales: "In the future humor will be randomly generated."
    The future: "amogus"

  2. People Ruin Among Us? More like, Among Us Ruins People.

  3. Man really out there explaining the joke in each thing shown

  4. I agree with the title but poor devs the community ruined their game.

  5. I swear to every religion in existence, if there will be a game in future where the characters look like black lines ( Like this: / | ) There will be people making r/34 out of it.

  6. “I wanna throw myself out an airlock after seeing this shit”

    I could fill in the blanks, I hate how people made rule 34 an actual rule of the internet, I want to just jump out of a window the way papyrus did in that one part of the Undertale pacifist run.

  7. This shits gonna make me go back to Christianity because only god can protect me from this shit.

  8. I came back here because of the "Mini crewmate kill XXXX characters animation" anyone else?

  9. someday there’s gonna be a “People Ruin Conway’s Game of Life” video

  10. There's a mod ware the cremates and imposters are dummy thick

  11. To think that this was before the "SUS 😳😳" era

  12. "hey at least I get taken out every week unlike you*
    Follow up roast when somebody calls you trash.

  13. everyone knows you need to kill one of the imposter to keep the other imposter alive

  14. my friend has twice now been in a ironic among us relationship. I really hope it was ironic for the other party involved. if not i am very sorry for them

  15. 8:55 solution vote one off and shoot the other one
    Plot twist: you were the imposter

  16. 6:58 I got the translations down.

    R: I want to accuse the buttocks of the yellow

    O: Because?

    R: because they almost killed me with a heart attack

    You're welcome.

  17. I got an ad for therapy while watching this, Fair.

  18. Amogus used to be the worst… NOW IT'S AMONG US PORN.

  19. So blue elvis is wearing a studio ghibli shirt noice

  20. At this point in humanity there could be rule 34 of oxygen particles

  21. Kids ruined Among Us. Whenever someone wins as a sneaky impostor, they ban them FOR NO REASON AT ALL. I HATE KIDS WHO ARE IMMATURE

  22. I’m not even surprised that the internet managed to lewd a game about beans in spacesuits being killed by aliens.

  23. Someone bring a bleech 😳😳😂😳😭😂😂😳😭😳😂😭😳😳😳

  24. I really hate among us because of all the over saturated memes that have been going around it’s like among us is the new fortnite when I ask my brother he says I like among us and fortnite!!

  25. When he said there was a mod to make crew mates thicc

    Me: there is

  26. 2 be honest, all the ones that were not sexual were either funny or cool or cursed.

  27. 11:15
    Mustve been playing on Mira HQ. Dats rare.
    Because on the skeld, admin is a little north of storage

  28. Among us was ruined since horrible overused memes took over the game

  29. I'd imagine that the cop in the last meme was an Impostor.

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