Imposters Origin Story (Chapter 1-4) | Among Us Animation -

Imposters Origin Story (Chapter 1-4) | Among Us Animation

Myth Playa – Animations
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Hope everyone enjoyed todays among us movie animation by Avocado Animations. Be sure to sure to give it a like and hit that subscribe button. If you like the thumbnail be sure to check out Neytirix’s channel!
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➤ Thumbnail Credit: Neytirixx
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  1. Odio😡 todos los canales que hacen bideos que terminan con un final triste

  2. wuat 👍👍👍👍👍😑😑😑😑😑😑😑👍👍👍👍😐😐😐😐

  3. Nick (Blue): Today's my birthday

    Todd (Imposter): It's also your desth day

  4. божечки, это так печально и страшно

  5. 😥😰😰😰😰😰😰😨😨😨😧😧😧

  6. Omg the sound effects there cool !!! :>

  7. And the scare attack ahhhhhh ~ 😩 to good 😩

  8. It is very very very good animation I like it to much but ending is sad

  9. What happend to the billy the small orange h

  10. ??😭😭😭😭😭😭 pequeño muy pequeño a mongo Pero murió su papá

  11. He didn't answer in the emergency meeting it was not him but it was so sad it was his birthday 😭😭😭😭🥳😰😰😰🤕

  12. I was a baby i was not happy good one i was happy

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