Imposters Origin Story (Chapter 1-4) | Among Us Animation
Myth Playa – Animations
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Hope everyone enjoyed todays among us movie animation by Avocado Animations. Be sure to sure to give it a like and hit that subscribe button. If you like the thumbnail be sure to check out Neytirix’s channel!
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➤ Thumbnail Credit: Neytirixx
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+ Business Inquires: [email protected]
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➤ Thumbnail Credit: Neytirixx
➤ Neytirix’s Youtube:
Be sure to check them all out!
did not like
Coitado. Do. Verde
I'm scared 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Impostor 😱😱😱
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭so sad
…so sad story ;'(
Omg I can never play among us ever again. The part where the kid was in and the birthday thing- oh my god…
I don't care 🙂🙂
This is danganronpa
Talk about accurate in trials
Not the kid noooooo
Der arme die letzen zwei und die anderen 😭😭😭😭😭😭 ich spiele nie wieder Among us
Es algo tetr8co bueno las ecenas
I feel bad for the orange kid
thats- scared me……
Its ok 👌 but kinda sad 😔💔😞
Sad story
omg i feel so sad for the orange mini crewmate
This whole thing is sus
Noce video
Thats every game of among us like you could literally say “ it’s jay “ and everyone would vote him
Kẻ mạo danh chơi siêu quá chơi cân hết 9 người trên tàu
tadiho do bebe
Malo el impostor
estan locos esto es estupido
I not sad
I love TOOD
Where chapter 2
Why Tood not talk
tonterías sólo pasan
The Thumbnail though… isn't that not allowed? (unless you got Neytrix permission)
Police officer