among us NEW VAMPIRE ROLE (mod) -

among us NEW VAMPIRE ROLE (mod)

Views: 2928177
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among us but the impostor can turn into a vampire


mod from sub & fetch 😀


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Music → ​ (Kevin MacLeod)
→ ​ (Epidemic)

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Family Friendly PG Clean 13+

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  1. I think you should do a zombie roll were you can infect other people and spread the virus

  2. SOCKS!!! READ THIS!!!!! READ THIS!!! we want the 2000 days modded hardcore!!! we all do!!!!! and we know you do too!!!!!!!!!! BRING IT BACK!!! BRING IT BACK!!! BRING IT BACK!!!!!11111!!!!!!!

  3. Idea for rework for bite ability: you can bite a crewmate to turn him into a fellow vampire, then after you can use as It was a poison again.

  4. 9:51
    laff:i just saw me hit me.. I hit me… I hit i… all hit all… Everyone hit me…. All hit me.. Tbh hit me… (then it oes loop 100x)

  5. Why was TB in your round with Woolf an impostor

  6. "2 vampires to be in fact" sockfor1's beautiful grammar

  7. He can bite someone and he gets killed within 15 second like poison
    Corona Virus : That sounds like a perfect win

  8. phantom socks next mod we added dio in amongus

  9. Ngl after watching this video it feels like all these people are OCs

  10. I was going to see the video but you said that you pulled a perfect run that’s spoil why should I see it ?


  12. I hate memegod
    I’m more of a fat memegod person

  13. Modded among us is basically wolvsville but with extra steps.
    I suggest you guys to try it sometimes , tho its mobile.

  14. If you turned into a bat what will your footprintsbe

  15. Socksfor1: Is a Spaceman
    FatMemeGod: I HaVe a mEdIcAl dEgReE
    TBHonest: Craab Maan
    Blaza: ThErE'S NoThInG WrOnG WiTh LiViNg iN A BuSh

  16. i loveeeeeeee amog us us amog it vampere i mean vampire epik moogus

  17. This game teaches you to not trust your friends

  18. Socks for 1 is a spaceman, ohhh he travels in a spaceship. Heee will fly to mooooonnn

  19. Could you do the floor is lava but the imposter control’s where the lava goes

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