Among Us but we’re the SAME COLOR!
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This is the most confusing challenge we ever played.
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That's was grayt
"I see blobs"
-Lunar 2021
Yo stopi stickr funneh
Whin de imposter is sus, me:uhhh it was red me:o waIt all is red
My favorite one is the gray one 🖤
no one:
not even a single sole:
lunar: oh my gOsh there's a gRey bLob fOllOWinG mE"
"oH mY gOSh aNOThER gRey bLOb iS fOLLoWinG mE-"
"plS sEND heLp"
im too confused????? :I
Your name should be LiLi LLLL iiii ILIL it Will be lIlI llll IIII IlIl
I live in London 🇬🇧
I ain't meh
In the thumbnail is draco peeing ? XD
eight under funneh lol
Why is there name all iiiiiii
Draco i like a open mic I don't like an off mic it's not fun at all
Ummm sorry again umm yup I'm done
In November 24 was my birthday
everybody is GREEEEEEEEY!
"Give up lot of l grey"
funnehs purp in the map
Itsfunneh is so cool
I love your videos
why is your color purple?
funneh just played herself in the first round lol
its the grey mimic
who an archer in the krew rain BOW get it
Nobody is talking about Funneh being Purple When she opens Map or gets killed
I saw funneh vote herself-
who else is here from 5 years ago?
I love your videos funneh!!!!!!!!
Murber??? Murber???
The L’s look like a vent lol
My eyes
Gary: dOn’T stAcK
All gray: stAcKs
Your video is so funny 😂😂
I’m crying
😓 sO bLaNd
its not L's its1's
"Hauuuu" draco at 15:41
me : ITS-…
my Brain : Processing… (0%)
Duck duck goose? Here in Minnesota we say duck duck gray duck……..or at least that's what me and my dads side says.
Omg I'm a big fan krew
Funneh is the inposter
No one: rainbow cute voice
Everything is grey