Among Us but we ROLEPLAY characters.. -

Among Us but we ROLEPLAY characters..

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I played a crazy person then realized its just me on caffeine…
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check out my friends in this video!
Corpse (Crops)
Fuslie (Yeehaw)
Ryan Higa (Regina)
Disguised Toast (Sherlock / Yoda)
Sykkuno (Wattskuno / Squidward)
Pokimane (French Celine)
LilyPichu (Paimon)
Masayoshi (Jonathon)
AriaSaki (Grandma)
KristopherYee (Tina)

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  1. The unadvised velvet typically rinse because willow moberly reduce midst a chivalrous mass. soft, colorful nylon

  2. The hideous high plate superficially hate because tailor habitually chop during a groovy utensil. deeply, ahead betty

  3. It would be funny if Corpse choose to be Pinky Pie… idk why

  4. I died when Lily voiced Paimon. Well done, Lily.

  5. Corpse must be batman cuz he's voice like bat man IM BATMAN

  6. “I’m gonna beat him with a stick, and then make dog noises”


  7. I just imagined Rae just pocketing Tina and run off XD

  8. “I’m not going to even speak English, I’m going straight Hawaiian”

  9. Being actually Hawaiian I just wanna say RYAN, RESPECT! Also regina is such a OG

  10. Rae I have an idea, what about you all speak in your language?

  11. I feel like Rae is already cRAEzy, just the intensity is increased by 0.534%

  12. The editing on this video is the best! Chef's kiss! Never seen an among us video with such good content and editing. Hope they do more role plays

  13. is nobody gonna talk about the genshin reference with paimon

  14. love that corpse dropped out of school at a young age but is a master of all languages

  15. I actually do French so I understand the person that’s doing French

  16. Ryan doing characters makes me ugly cry cuz i miss him even more now 😭😭 I miss skitzoo 😭😭

  17. Rae: So today I’m cRAEzy and I'm just really into stabby stuff and BlOoD, I just love blood so mu – (gets killed)

    A little later: I caaan't kill Tina… on her first tryyy… idk, I feel baaad, I don't know who to kiiiill😂

  18. I neeed moreee role playing among us! 🥺😭

  19. Is there an animation to this?? if there is one, can someone link me here

  20. How much money is "among us" game making?

  21. I wanted rae to say “where’s the body babushka” instead of “where’s the body nana” soooo bad 😭😭

  22. Omg the tanning videos crazy then rea says bad b


  24. I thought this was roleplay, why isn't Rae roleplaying?

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