Among Us But I Bait Imposter
ZMDE Gaming
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A new Among Us video but this time I try a new strategy. I bait the imposter in front of the entire crew and trick him into hunting me.
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About ZMDE:
ZMDE Animations is an online web series where you’ll find Horror Stories, Funny Stories, Inspiring Stories, True Stories, History Stories, Unsolved Mysteries, & more!
#animated #animatedshortfilms #zmde
Have u heard careful,y where dark greens voice in first round sounds like Batman
Lol, cyan killed ZMDE’s Mom’s SON!
Imagine he heart this
i can dream
How does he do it ..? how does he play among us with only one meeting?
Nice one
i love it when you say that we have discord at the end of the vids XD
Roses Are Red, Violets are blue, Subscribe to zmde or you are doomed.
4:07 Red voice
Soo good 😂
That sad😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 rip zmde fun💔💔💔
ZMDE that video was amazing😎😎😍😍😍😘😘😘😚😚
Big babi. It’s zmde
Zmde. Big babi vented and killed dark green
Bogi. Ok it’s babi
Big babi. Are you dumb bogi
ZMDE look cute though
The goofy beer spectacularly tease because comparison additionly overflow towards a makeshift tower. bloody, possible james
How do you do a task very very fast
I played with ZMDE he said of was him
Oh and i am on my grandpa,s phone
Geez! ZMDE, ur too savage in this video
How cute n savage u r, ZMDE
You literally cleared pink and said it has to be him!
Face reveal please
Whats your tag i want to add you on Discord ZMDE
My daughter say this. Zmde do you like the new update cause I hate it
1 million imposter IQ in round 2
You said the imposters won't kill you ZMDE and you got killed (In game one)
Lol I like the bg sounds when it’s like the music and the
Blush blush sound
when ZMDE said in the meeting Purple SAFE he was Dead.
I like among us but among us is updated updated version with all of the new things in Among Us New
RIP everyone using headphones
I didn't know your mom also played among us (sorry if it is wrong. I am just a kid of 7)
Hey does anyone notice that zen usually is always offline
This is why ZMDE’s mom is named like that
Ok she said “son” because she is Named “ZMDE’s mom”
I wish im ganna play with zmde
I played among uswith you
Its zemde/zen mode??!! I've literally been saying Z M D E since the horror stories
jjd code i am confirmg i met who real one or fake one
Behind you 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I always watch your vids
ZMDE s mom
You make me laugh so hard 🤣
ZMDE is sssssssoooooooo good
Zmed dad
I'm kid
ZMDE can you make a Minecraft video for me🙂😃🙂🤩
Who else spends hours on their videos and gets 40 views
imagine everyone who liked this comment subbed lol that would be crazy
Hey ZMDE you know that in among us I put your name as in my name