Drawing Purple with Witch Hat from Among Us With Posca Pens
Lela Studios
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Drawing Your Among Us request!!! The witch hat from among us gets requested A LOT!! And so does purple. So here’s purple with the witch hat!
More art videos @lela.the.artist
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#amongus #amonguspurple #shorts
Color-Dark green
Hat-The military hat
Pet- A small crew with a military hat
Can u do Orange with a cheese hat? Love your vids btw :3
Please do mine
Please I have requseted but u didn't do it so here pls make mine😥😥😥
Red a red hat
I want you to draw blue wearing red beanies
I want a face reevele
Color black
Hat wof ears
Pet mini crew
Skin brown vest
The grey with black shade is a good lighting effect
Hat: the petter pan looking hat
(Make it’s hand kill another among us person somebody else requested
My Among Us Character:
Colour: It can be any colour but I mostly use cyan
Hat: Goat Horns
Pet: Hamster
Can you do pink with the dum post-it note and a blue dog
Colour: white
Hat: balloon
Pet: mini crewmate
Draw a Minecraft person that is yeah is there another one how much that is Oda draw baby Oda
Me first draw baby Oda please
Can you do purple with the cat hat
Plz plz plz draw my character
Color : cyan
Hat : ninja
Skin : wallgaurd
Pet : brainslug
Can you do mine I'm cyan with an egg nest on top
Piękne rysunki robisz
White please I really want you to craft white with a sinus hat
Hat-winter hat
Pet-mini crewmate
Hope you see it
You can do Rapunzel lol
Can you please do me I am red with a red hat
I play as this
Mine is color: purple hat: Leaf name: Eggplant Maybe a mini crewmate
Color: Purple
Accessory:cat beanie
Mine is pink with a crown or mine's pink with a baby with a crown or mine is probably if there is no money then it is pink with the blue hat that's is backwards
Plss plss white with dum sticky note
White, with the jacket, winter hat, and mini crewmate
Color:cyan hat:egg gender:female
And mini crewmate
Can u make me a blue with puppy please please 🥺🥺🥺🙏🥺🥺 please please please please please please please 🙏🥺
Legit that's my character! Until I accidentally deleted among us and now the hat won't show up
Color. Blue cherry hat. Baby pat
Please do orange with the egg hat
I am brown with a blue backwards hat and a mini character please do mine I’ve watch like all of your videos😇🥰
Name: pineapple
Colour: yellow
Hat: red beanie
Pet: boy stickman (as if hes eating a pineapple)
Hat:wolf ears
Did somebody notice that she forgot the mini's smile at the end? Nobody? OK I'm probably just weird
Can you make blue with a snow man hat and a dog
Colour – pink
Hat -crown
Pet – Mini Cerw mate
Name – hey
Pls draw This please please please 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Name. Q.T bb
day 1 of me asking her to do vampire diaries
elena damon and stefan as among us characters
Can you do pink with the backwards baseball cap?❤️
Color: yellow
Hat: dum sticky note
Mini crew mate
Name: lia
Colour: black
Hat: black ears
Role: great imposter!
Can you do a blue with top hat and a blue dog next to it
In Halloween that was my among us avatar!!! 😁😁😁