AMONG US – Sus But Shmexy? – Draw With Mikey 141
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Among us suspect imposter fanart that I’ll eject in with the stuff! Just a casual drawing of Red being sus from Among Us seeing as I see this game everywhere atm!l – Also hello how are you!? Also plz rank all the FF games from best to worst!! #amongus #sus #fanart
Outro Song: By The Fantastic Raquel Lily!
with Bass By
you can play among us with my friends if ya want.. probably not but….. you know, worth a shot lol (i know this sounded like im 12 but i promise im not)
fan art of fire force or food wars?? I’d love to see your own rendition of ikumi mito or captain hibana… also if you haven’t seen either , then I recommend them if you like shounen.
Huh… i don't know, Mikey… A Shmexy Imposter? That's kinda sus, man, not gonna lie…
(P.S. Love you and your content!)
My sauce lord is back yet again
DUDE u r so amazing dude!!! (Yeah I like to say "dude" a lot-) like ur art is so amazing dude!! It's so clean, smexy, cute, perfect ETC!! ur art is so amazing and I love how u can make anything smexy!! Dude ur just so amazing!! I want u to hit 1 million subs by the end of this year, I wish I luck dude!!!
I lack friends as well
The only thing that i always saw on your drawings are those two tumors
U know what i mean
I'm down
Hey Mikey, this is about last DWM's question, I recently got back on the ol Dead Space 3 save file.
TLDR: Replayability and customization.
DS3 is the worst Dead Space out there and only worth it if it has a VERY generous discount but what kept me playing back then and what got me playing recently is the gun building. I know most people built the strongest gun and completed the game but I created "loadouts" for every suit and had lost of fun making weapons that were more tool-like or "lore accurate." It added an additional level of difficulty on top of the standard(easy, normal, etc) that was more fun and interesting, than "you take more damage" or "you find less resources."
hey mikey what job did you take as an artist im just curious. (p.s. because of you i became more inspired to draw art and want to become a professional artist).
Hey Mikey it’s my first time commenting, its great to see you back an anime recommendation I have is rascal doesn’t dream of bunny girl senpai. over the lockdown I got most of my friends to watch anime and we all watched bunny girl senpai. everyone agreed that it was really good and then it has a movie that’s just as good as the anime. it’s really nice to see you back and I love your art.(sorry for any spelling or grammar errors)
you just..
(copy paste comment)Hey Mikey,I'm a beginner artist and I want to draw some ecchi and hentai art, BUT I'm still in college and thing work differently in India so convincing parent is an issue. Would like some help and opinion of your's.
Btw I love your artstyle and the way of you workflow.
hey mikey! just wanted to let you know that I appreciate your art and "weekly" DWM's! they are nice to listen to as I work on my own original comic! i hope it amounts to something in the future, but I'm working real hard! thank you for your work in the art community!
Can you do some hololive vtuber, that would be cool
That Tifa is THICC
You should take a look at the anime and manga land of the lustrous both of them have a unique style and aesthetic to it
Oh god, here comes the inevitable "You thiccened up Among Us, why not Pac-Man!? Ghosts have Boing Boings too you know!!" Requests 😉 Enjoying the show Mikey, Keep it up, also, if you're jumping on hype trains, when can we expect your Akira Kazama from rival schools, fan art? Asking for a friend 😉 (seriously would love to see that though)
Deca-dence is an anime I would recommend
My name's Michael , so do not torture your tongue with those russian letters in my nickname 😀
Mickey, have you played a game named "Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice"?
That game became my favorite game of all times. It's story tells us about a girl in a Northern Europe during vikings age, and her boyfriend was killed. So she decided to go into vikings hell to save her boyfriend's soul and resurrect him. But the whole story you can't tell what's real and what isn't, cause main character named Senua, got some mental illness. You always hearing voices in her head (in your headphones) that guides or misguides you through this journey.
This game is like 8hrs long, but trust me, you will remember this 8hrs for the rest of your life. And also soundtrack is just masterpiece.
Thank you for your videos, they're always awesome and interesting to watch.
(The imposter is gonna sqeeze the crews dry….)
more tutorials please!!!
Hey so like i like twitch but twitch sumtimes you can miss the streams but on youtube i can just chill rewind your vid or pause also i can watch later or well yk
doing some inktober darwing
mikey brother i didnt even watch the last one what up with this q_q
Oh now he draws digital
If youre into thicc girls you should check Oscar Bazaldúa's artwork. He draws for Marvel now, but he began as an ilustrator for an old mexican erotic comic. He might be right up your alley.🤟
Good art but this is so cursed
Still so good, wish i can draw like that
Cuando traducirás tu canal al español
I'm still on a crusade to get people into listening to Aviators.
I'm a huge simp for this guy's music and I can't stress enough how criminally underrated he is. If you haven't checked him out already, do that on bandcamp. For the first few times you can listen to his music for free and even if you have to pay for it, it's below 10$.
So please give him a go, you can't go wrong with that.
mikey… you always make me in awe
Yo! Would love to see The God of Highschool in your style!!
I really inlove of your artwork sir.Mikey
Wait- Red is a girl?!?!!?
Good job 😊
Music suggestion: Infected Mushroom 😛
Hi Mikey, you’ve been an inspiration for the longest time and I love drawing while listening/watching your Draw with Mikey series. Ps. Where’s the Guilty Gear fan arts???
Have a wonderful day!
Hi Mikey how ya doing! I’m not doing so well myself, I got a very bad knee injury yesterday but I’ll live haha. Ooh and I have a very nice anime recommendation, it’s called food wars, it’s about a boy who can cook so well he makes everyone who eats his food o*gasm! I think you’ll love it! greetings from the Netherlands 😁👍
Something exists
Rule34 artist:😏
Nice!!! O
ngl this man really good at drawing
Now that i THINK about it I do be believing that the anatomy of them only having a bone is actually efficient since they are shapeshifters
THICC Thighs….. Takes lives?
no puedes….. no puedes asjdajsdasda
I love you