AMONG US – Sus But Shmexy? – Draw With Mikey 141
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Among us suspect imposter fanart that I’ll eject in with the stuff! Just a casual drawing of Red being sus from Among Us seeing as I see this game everywhere atm!l – Also hello how are you!? Also plz rank all the FF games from best to worst!! #amongus #sus #fanart
Outro Song: By The Fantastic Raquel Lily!
with Bass By
Absolute mad lad😂
Red seduces and then kills its prey.
My friends and I would play among us with you
Firstly, loud happiness noises for the return of the king Mikey Secondly, I've got a question. Whenever I try to do character art(any art tbh), the rough art looks moderately good, but the final lineart sucks like hell… They look boring and not dynamic at all. What should I do to improve my lines to make them awesome like yours? :')
How to draw on grafics tablet? I just can't
mikey, i am a day late so i hope that you see my comment and it's not lost in the ocean…
i have a question, clearly you don't take youtube seriously enough for it being a source of steady income and i respect that, you should do what you like but would share your main occupation with us if you have one other than these internet stuff??
I recently started playing Genshin Impact, it is quite entertaining and the graphics destroy my PC, but it is worth it
The only sexy person that I see in this video is that handsome man in the top right corner
Omg i miss the old intro so much
Hiya Mikey, just here to let you know that you're doing a great job and you deserve all the good things in the world.❤️❤️💖 Also, I've finally started watching JoJo's, and OMG the moment those pillar men wake up and that awesome music starts!!!🔥🔥 It was exactly how you said it was, the rush, the excitement, the energy…
Anyways, I'm done rambling now. Hope life's treating you well.❤️❤️❤️❤️
That tongue can do many great things before she bites your privates off
Makes me remember the one time I destroyed her head in electrical
I’m impressed that you could make this even the slightest bit okay
I didn't notice the Thumbnail and I thought, oh now Mickey won't draw a girl, then I entered the video and I was like oh wait…
That's kinda sus ah
Hey Mikey great to see you back, quicky question do you use other software. Im using Clip Studio paint and find its awesome for manga etc. Learn a lot form you bud thanks
Click and paste
Guess I’ll give a suggestion again. A long time ago I recommended RWBY, and seeing any of the 4 main girls here would be epic. I described it as a 3D anime style show, starting off as a low budged passion project. Sadly the creator/lead fight scene animator, Monty Oum, passes away before the 3rd volume aired, and the people he worked with have kept the show going for 7 Volumes now. You don’t need to watch the whole show, but check out the original Red, White, Black, and Yellow trailers, and remember Monty animated 95% of them himself.
Your "Podcast" is really calming but also energetic cuz of your voice, thx for making this video 😀
yo mikey i haven't played any final fantasy so i cant name my favourite but i do have a game recommendation, dying light its probably my favourite single player horror game though its not too scary
the small arms are REALLY annoying me im sorry, awesome tho
Is that redy mom?
Acting kinda sus there man ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
gotta admit that was pretty susmexy
Aha, now it's here.
This is great to listen to while playing a game borderlands two if you’re wondering
Im starting to think your drawings are sus get it?
Mikey, I want to thank you for getting me into drawing again. I love to sit down and draw something with you in the background. It also helps me with anger management.
The nut buster
Rule 34 is acting a little bit SUS,I vote him(her)
If I must say, she is SEXY as hell !!
i just finished the crystal gems from steven universe and im starting my first piece of inktober
Draw a Doom girl
Rule 34 is the true being of humans.
some times he looks just like Charmax the YTP youtuber LOL
"If it exists…"
Amongs us and Fallguys
Blob character with absolutely no sexual appeal to them
Hentai artists: Bust through door "Time to make you shmexy"
I hope the rule 34 artists are taking notes
Mickey mega mega, could you draw desney princess fanart?
why you drew me?? i dont want to be shreksualized D:
I know you made tutorials on how to draw hair but I can’t seem to grasp the concept of drawing hair and nothing I draw looks natural, any thing you can suggest to help?
Hello there!
If you don't know enough people to play among us, you could always ask other streamers and youtubers?
I remember that add >:-(
C ya later!
Never new that the among us character is so THICCC
I just fucking knew this would happen, I JUST FUCKING KNEW IT! I KNEW THE COMMUNITY WOULD GET WORSE!
Honestly thought those boinkers were part of the astronaut suit.
Would you rather get killed by an impostor?
Me: NO
Red Imp: T H I C C
Me: no (¬_¬ )
I swear if he creates the first rule 34 for among us…
it really takes certain amount of talent to make neutral stuff into something so SHMEXY, you are really a man of your craft.
I am sorry to say I havent played any of the Final Fantasy games
-If you havent watched Oregairu (probably the best romance anime when it comes to story telling and characters, pretty subtle in a lot of ways), you should do it now that it is practically finished, last episode aired last Thursday so you can really start and go w/o the worries of watching another anime series that is incompleted.
-Monster, just watch Monster, it is my favorite anime, it is the best psicological anime with the sublimest portrayal of human nature I have seen.
Have a nice day Mikey
I would let her eat me tbh…