AMONG US – Sus But Shmexy? – Draw With Mikey 141
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Among us suspect imposter fanart that I’ll eject in with the stuff! Just a casual drawing of Red being sus from Among Us seeing as I see this game everywhere atm!l – Also hello how are you!? Also plz rank all the FF games from best to worst!! #amongus #sus #fanart
Outro Song: By The Fantastic Raquel Lily!
with Bass By
Jesus Christ man….. You never fail to amaze me. And can u please make a guide on how to make money out art through YouTube, patron or…
Ah, yes. Just in time Mikey thank you
I knew this day woukd come..
Welp i guez i asked for this
Red sus… Prepare for body search
Howdy, Mikey! Hope ur doing fine I'm updating my pfp for spooky season
Red is suspiciously T H I C C.
Male Blue x Thicc Female Black 👀
I like games If I got to make a World or charakter. but I olso like a if a game have a good world bilding or good charakters. dats whay i play games.
Black: What were you doing in electrical?
Red: N-Nothing?
I had a feeling Mikey was gonna draw an Among Us character.
Love your art style. I'm looking for v-tuber with similar art avatar any suggestions
I wanted to ask if you could please make a step by step playlist about learning how to draw anime.
I've been using your current one for a couple weeks and there's SO many videos in a random order that I'm getting confused that I don't know if I started on the right one and what should I watch and learn next; so can you please, if you have time, create an order that will be easy to follow
MUCH thanks
Someone is a simp now not me
Mikey, can you draw any jojo's bizzare adventure?
I really love that anime
this whole "sus" thing has gotten old so fucking fast. are you 12?
photoshop version?
Hellow mikey hey drawing the girls the anime kanojo okarimasu please thank you
Are the Among Us characters male or female?
I want to reccomend the rather new anime or manga for 'Peter grill and the philosopher's time' its a really good anime/manga with amazing waifus/monster girls. its about a guy called peter grill that wins a tournament that makes him the strongest man in existance and marries the girl hes allways had a crush on. but all the monster girls that come in wants him to give them a kid thats gonna be the strongest generation of their species, which makes him wanna stay loyal to his wife but can he resist the hot monster girl waifu's.
holy crap that was fast!
Those diary entries/notes are a pet peeve of mine. their existence never makes much sense when you stop and think about it.
Oh cyan~, im trying to vent
But im so dummy thicc
And the clap of my asscheeks
Keeps alerting the crew
I vote Red.
You are rule34 artis rigt
Chage my mind
I need therapist.
Well im not suprise there will be lewd art im honestly suprise it take this long
Hello mikeymegamega,
I saw you on my recommended page, and I have to say, I love your voice. 🙂
The weeds hero
Honestly Mikey.
Never thought I would be able to draw human bodys correct regarding posture, perspective and foreshortening.
But here I am, skecthing poses I thought were well out of my reach, purely from memory and imagination I might add. Using the guidelines you taught.
Thank you!
Oh and by the way, 0,5 or 0,7 mm cheap mechanical pencils are great but I love the way 0,3 mm gives me a much finer touch and level of detail.
You don't have friends to play among us with? No worries, you can just play online!
@mikemega you could round up some art twitch streamers like james_whatsart, jublina etc.
Mikey at the start:“I actually lack the friends required…”
Me: ..can I be your friend?
Impostor Make You Crottt
Do u have a sister that draws only boys because I rlly want to get those right
I’m done with life now I’m ending it
too much hentai potential in this dude
Uh?! Spacebean tiddy?!?
Halp there is so much thickness my screen Is cracking !
yellow, how are you
Good job
I should probably stick to drawing females- males are too hard to draw ;_;
Those are some short hands
Red killed me in electrical….
not complaining though
Finally our sensei is finally back………
This is very well done
mikey, my friend thinks you should do fortnite speed paints
We are reaching fetish levels that shouldn’t even be possible
can u do a sexy nepeta (homestuck so u know ) thanks and love love love your drawing
Guys red being kinda sus 🤔❓
Gotta use clorox on my eyes now