Among Us Kill animations - Fan made -

Among Us Kill animations – Fan made

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I made 3 different kill animations for Among Us:
1. Scythe
2. Anime Katana
3. Thanos Snap

Don’t worry I’m still working on new animation but in a meanwhile I wanted to try making AmongUs fanart Animation…..


#amongus #animation #Imposter

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  1. VERY slow the kill animation but anyways still cool

  2. It would had been better if the thanos gauntlet either killed the victim or the impostor
    Perfectly balanced as all things should be

  3. The second coming of the kill animations

  4. Can I use this video without leaving the source?

  5. I realized with the thanos one you could get away with a kill no matter what cause they’re would be no body

  6. But for people to report the body should the dust just be on the floor cause then that just makes the game unfair like dat ;-;

  7. Awesome video make more of these ^^
    Btw u r from PO-land ? XD

  8. Red: it's cyan
    Green: but cyan died..
    Red: it's green
    Everybody: ok

  9. Im thinked about katana kill yesterday 🤭

  10. These need to be added… that'd be dope killing someone then watching them do the 'anime katana'

  11. Thanos kill is too powerful

    Body cannot be reported cus it doesn't exist :0000000

  12. 0:02 lol i made a thanos glove kill aswell except its not as good as this!

  13. Red: Guys I saw yellow do it right in front of me!

    Yellow: I was with purple the entire time wth

    Green: Still kinda sus tho, your movement was wack

    red has voted

    Red: trust me, its Yellow

    everybody votes yellow except purple and yellow, who voted red

    (Yellow was not the imposter)
    (1 imposter remains)

  14. The first one should be in the game

  15. Its kinda slow so ima put it in 2x speed

  16. Red: Hey! There’s 9 people! I say we only need 8 people so we can separate. Snaps

    Perfectly balanced as all things should be.

  17. I feel like I’m the only who played this game before it was popular.

  18. SUXCOK:"Guys, I think green did it."
    Freddy:"Yeah, me too"
    henry:"i didnt do it"
    FUX:"I was with red."

  19. There are Several Talented animators Among us

  20. If he use the thanos glove they wont find the body.the body turn into dust

  21. BRUHHH i rly wanna see the samurai in game 😭😭

  22. I'm sorry, but can I use this video after leaving its source?

  23. The katana one could be done better, but im impressed with the Thanos one.

  24. Orange: "Guys! I saw red Thanos snap cyan."
    Everyone else: "Orange seems sus"

  25. if they ever added the snap one, i feel like they should make it 1/100 since the body fully goes away

  26. Ngl this death animation would be so fucking cool to have in the game

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