Among Us Fanart vs Game -

Among Us Fanart vs Game

Starbot Dubs
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Make sure to check out the amazing original artist!!:

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  1. Hey just a wish hat in time comics I barely see any of those also my birthday is Monday if anybody cares

  2. The small "Why?" made me so sad for some reason

  3. fanart:
    crewmates actualy caring about each other and being super carefull to know who the impostor is
    "some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice i'm willing to make"

  4. This is the saddest video I have ever watched.

  5. The word "sus" really became popular because of this game.

  6. Imposter: “they killed”
    Literally anyone with a brain: “now we know it’s one or the other what is your goal here?”

  7. Wish the Fan Art was how it actually felt playing instead of
    "Just pick a color and watch it fly"

  8. Be kind? I’ll remember that when I’m imposter and kill the crew mates fast… be very kind about it 🙂

  9. I dunno what u mean bro I was with star doing ez scan

  10. When i saw the thumbnail, i thought of hotline miami

  11. 0:49 true i asked first before I vote cuz I need info and good evidence before voting some one out.
    Me: I’m doing the right thing.
    Others: I don’t give a shit that guy sus vote him out boys!
    Me: Blue was not the imposter.
    Others: ok let’s vote the one that convince us to vote blue out. Who was he again?
    Answer: Orange he told us all to vote blue.
    Dead me: ffs it’s red.

  12. I just get kicked off if i try to get information from the people others call sus on

  13. r/imsorryjon is having the time of their life with Among Us, r/yaoi and r/consentacles too.

  14. Then when you try to defend yourself you're not fast enough at typing so everybody voted already and then they say "vote or we will kick you"

    Dude you just accused me for no good reason whatsoever. Why?? (This actually made me rage quit 2 days ago because I kept getting accused for like 4 rounds in a row without ever doing anything besides being a good crewmate. And within the first minute of the game too. I left the game before they could kick me.)

  15. I love how you guys made the voice like it was inside a suit

  16. Yo guys Giorno have been acting kind of sus…

  17. I don’t think I’ve ever tried so hard to figure out what a song was solely from someone singing it, it’s so familiar but I can’t PLACE IT GAH

  18. Blue is me when I played last night… Apparently everything I do is sus now.

  19. It sounds like it was a song from an anime specifically a studio thinking film

  20. Among Us takes the line, "Top 10 Anime Betrayals" to the next level

  21. Never trust Purple Guy Pink, especially in Among Us

  22. The impostor is a shape-shifter that killed and replaces one of the crewmates with him self how how ik this in the game description says so

  23. Maybe we should consider banning the word "sus". It sounds too much like "SOS" or "sauce" or "sass". People could make an honest mistake.

  24. I don’t know man this video is acting kinda sus 🤔

  25. "Be kind
    have some proof
    before you call sus."
    I dunno, Star.
    Seems kinda sus to me.

  26. Could the song at the end be “No Title?” It’s the best guess I have (‘~’)/

  27. I legit fucking screeched so loud when white said "im sorry" that i jumpscared my bro lmao
    But yeah, the fandom likes to make things more dramatic than how it would've actually happened in the game

  28. Among us fanbase:
    Drama, action, tragedy, we got it all folks

    Among us in reality:
    What do you MEAN im looking kinda SUS! I saw you walk past THE FUCKING BODY!!!

  29. We gonna mention the guy who spams O2 and camps it all game somehow managing to get away with it?

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