Among Us Fanart vs Game -

Among Us Fanart vs Game

Starbot Dubs
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  1. Lmao I kept being reported by my co traitor, it sucked haha

  2. oh heck yeah a dub of orphe's comic!!

  3. Me in the game

    Yellow: I trusted you, you were the imposter this entire time?!

    White(me): always has been

  4. Accuuurrrrraaaaaaatttttttteeeeeeeee

  5. Also is it this some Japanese song?

  6. Well it's six crewman vs two imposters/saboteurs. If two people accuse each other, space them both. Killing a crewman reduces the crew by 16%, but spacing an imposter reduces their team by 50%. Nothin personal dood.

  7. fanart: We were partners!

    Game: He followed me a bit too long, so therefore I am completely down to kill him.

  8. Okay Now I wonder why Among us has so much angsty stuff going on

  9. I am so damn tired of losing because of either a pink or a brown space person keeps saying I'm sus, even when I'm in medbay.





    Red:….. sorry blue


    im only following orders

    Blue: w-wait PLEASE

    red:this company let my mother die blue….


    im not letting them get away with just sweeping her death under the rug…..

    Blue: please wait there must be some other way just PLEASE lets talk about this ill-

    Red: there is no other way
    Dont worry
    I wont let your kid die here
    Im not letting him become like me…

    Again… sorry


  11. —W-wait… you’ve been an imposter all this time?!..
    —Always has been

  12. This actually happened in my experience playing the game:
    The game went very long
    Some dropped out like flies
    In every meeting I kept saying
    "Where body" "Who's with them last time" "Where were y'all" etc
    Ended up skipping or voting out crewmates
    I went to Admin
    Ghost(White) followed me, suddenly doors went shut
    I was shocked I thought Ghost is the Impostor
    But the doors opened
    In the meeting I said that Ghost might be the possible Imposter
    They were shocked that I didn't trust them but I told them I was scared and went ring around the rosy
    They forgive me tho
    Then it made me think, who was in the vent
    They weren't voted out afterwards
    Now there are 5 crewmates left
    3 of us were at cafeteria finished our tasks
    Pink: me, Brown, Cyan
    The 2 is Ghost, and Yellow
    Suddenly someone sabotage the communications then I left the cafeteria and went there
    As soon I was there Yellow followed me and killed me and went at Shields to vent
    Luckily there was a person who witnessed it
    It was Ghost, I was like/typed our in ghost chat "GHOST AVENGE MEEE!!"
    They then reported the body and vote Yellow out
    And we won!

  13. Among Us in a nutshell

    I saw blue killed pink!
    Yes, green is kinda sus
    So I voted for red
    Ok, I voted for cyan too

    White was not the Imposter

  14. How the hell has this game gotten so popular in such a short time?!

  15. Among us, much like it's other trust based games, DESTROYS FRIENDSHIPS

  16. Red: I SAW BLACK VENT!!
    Blue: i think we should vote red
    Green: yeah red kinda sus

    red was not an Imposter

  17. I don’t like among us with faces…

  18. Played a game where a dude said he knew I was the imposter because he was my brother and was sitting next to me. For some reason everyone believed him. I was not the imposter.

  19. Ah hah I think the song at the end is from Hozuki’s Coolheadedness! 😀

  20. Dunno starbot is looking kinda sus

  21. " Be kind have some proof before you call sus."
    Me: I don't know man that's kinda sus

  22. Bro if you wanna see what the game is really like go to the channel RussianBadger, the dude just made a video on it and it is hilarious.

  23. hehehheheehehehhhheheh

    I van sus

  24. 0:29 wait wait wait hold up… white shot pink with a sound of a knife stabbing ._____.

  25. Now that comic has me wondering the fucking story of among us.

  26. Haha, deidara make you go boom boom.

  27. The song at the end is from the OP song for Houzukinoreiteru(鬼灯の冷徹)

    The song name is Haikei Jigokuyori(拝啓、地獄より) and made by a group of people called Jigokunosataallstars (地獄の沙汰オールスターズ)

  28. Player: Red sus
    there are two red players
    Player: BuT i DoN't KnOw WhIcH oNe!

  29. See no difference

    Except for everything

  30. i knew this would be as cringe as it is

  31. Drinking game for whenever someone says “sus” in any among us game ever one YouTube or on twitch or even while playing among us make that a drinking game

  32. Why do people call me dark blue its rude i am the ONLY blue

  33. Pink: Wait… Blue was not the impostor?
    White: Never has been *shoots pink*

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