RED KISSES BLUE! (Among Us Comic Dub Animations)
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RED KISSES BLUE! Among Us Comic Dub Animations
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This channel uploads daily among us, sonic, miraculous ladybug & undertale comic dub animations!
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● Spicy A:
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● Yuri HK Animation:
● Swift The Pessimistic Fool:
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red: hey guys this is my lil bro pls say hi to him. blue: i dont like babies so no
Me: red f*** me
Blue: now he kissed me
Me:thanks blue now it's your cures
My brain: f*** you Yellow
Video idea:make yellow impostor x blue crewmate
I wish red wins
"Did we just kill our captain for nothing?"
What sad xd
👁👄👁red's dead
"I've always have wanted to meet a evil beans"
4:48 wtf why blue ?? Why the Cats xd
People will ship EVERYTHING even astronomical gum drops. These aren't even actual characters, no gender, no personality, no name, there literally just blank characters used for the player. Why is this being shipped?
White do what
Rojo! 🙂
Im crying because the story is so sad-
thats how purple wasade
3:10 wtf iisek
0:48 come back here you stupid f—er
Blue: I Have 3 kids why would I hate babies well um they are actually 10 years but still!
Ohh its so ciute red kiss blue red loved blue its so ciute
Blue is my sister u.u lol
Bru h
blue said a super bad word to Redd
Blue: this is my baby sister
Blue (Ashley): excuse me Luna but I ain’t a baby
Blue: she is a baby, she’s…. how old are you?
Ashley: Luna I thought you knew this!!! I’m 24 and your darn 26!!!!
Luna: ash!
Ashley: ya
Luna: do you like babies?
Ashley: i have a daughter so yes
Peter: she also looks like me
Ashley: she looks more like me, your not a women, your sister is, but I think her hair looks like mine.
LunaWerewolf was not an imposter
Cyan: excuse me Bella…..
cyan: I know what you did
Cyan: you got the most votes but you just voted into and you cloned 20 Bella’s!
Pink (belle): oh my goodness Bella why do you keep joining?!
Black: I’m gonna ban you, you voted out Luna a.k.a. My best friend!
Pretty was banned by kittykat
Soy yo xd
Umm ok
why am i here
Red x blue
oh wow red love blue😏❤💙
Are you happy blue orange is gonna kill you -.-
hah gayyyyyy
Ur videos sucks
Wth wth wth!
0:46 pure gold
Lol it’s fumb
Imao im never kiss blue