CREWMATE vs IMPOSTER Among Us Reimagined Human Art Challenge | Semi-Realistic Art Style | Mei Yu
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#artchallenge #meiyu #drawingchallenge
Lol it’s very good
what if you were stuck in a VR with that pink imposter…
from a scale of one to ten I would say 5 because I don't find monsters scary but I would give it 1 billion if it was a creepy doll or a clown
you should do ones for each color! there are multiple accessories and kill animations, so they wouldn’t all look the same! just a thought – hope you try this sometime 🙂
Gives me power ranger vibes. Specifically Kimberly
I like among us because alot of people have the game so I can play with my friends
I truly enjoyed this episode, it's the first time I'm seeing you draw something like this and with the background music, lol! Thumbs up, I wish I could like this a thousand times. It was awesome!
Crewmate is how she would act in public and imposter is how she would act at home yelling at everyone
She thiccc
The imposters were infected. If you go into the polus map, you can see that in the specimen room, one of the tanks is broken, and in the lab you can see that things are broken. Around the map you can find posters that say “see something, say something” that’s why the crewmates report bodies and call emergency meetings.
i like playing among us since i luv being imposter and i love playing with my friends and i totally luv being killed too😒😡😒😡
I love this game because I love to kill people I love being the imposter! Mwa Ha Ha Ha!
I love how her art stayed true to the fact that the knife thing comes out of the mouth, and actually drew it like that instead of just putting a knife in theyre hand
when she just woke up is imposter then when she takes 2 hours in the bath room that one was from my sister
Impostor reminds me of the rancor from star wars.
My caption: Me when I'm up and ready vs me when my mom tells me to get up.
I hate pink because all the boy like her tooo much I always kill her every time and I,m orange I have more frends
Super late but our girl Pink needs a Snickers
You should really make notebooks and coloring books with the crayons or paint markers I don't know what you're using to color all those things and blend in easy
The start vs end of the round
I played among us for the first time with my friends to celebrate one of their birthdays. It was so fun lol
Left: Me regular
Right: When someone says I'm sus
Can U do part 2 please
I love what you draw!!!! I love you Mei Yu!!!
Pink is a male, not a female, you idiots
Me haveing coffee normal
Me not haveing coffee for a week monster
Crewmate pink- my best friend was killed
Impostor pink- I will be your best friend
Crewmate pink- ok but can you shower first
Impostor pink- 😶
Have a snickers, you're not yourself when you're hungry
I love playing among us
This was a super fun reimagined image of among us! I loved it so much. I still don’t get how they make the colors just blend into each other so well!
Is snake
Is snake
the imposters are alines
I love among us so much is it so fun you should play
Some might not know, but among us characters are actually humans but have been warped by many years of space travel, if you don't believe me search it on google!
Whith that multiplied eyes is pretty accurate, because impostor had better vision. When all crewmate have problem with dark cosed by damage in eletcric impostor had still best vision
the mouth is in the belly
Dont worry they are always still little beans inside!😄
Love the video but can you please make zodiac signs as pretty girls! 💖😉💗
ehh 5
I’m 11 years old and I am extremely good at the game online :3
I love playing Among Us!🥰
Pink sus
Me:….. ok now every time I’m voting out pink
Next time in among us: VoTe PiNk!
Pink: I-
System: pink was not the imposter
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