THOMAS.EXE Imposter Role in Among Us…
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Today, the crewmates have to go up against me, Thomas the Tank Engine! I may look like a simple locomotive now, but as my train meter builds, I gain access to more and more crazy abilities and my form changes! You will NOT BELIEVE what my final form looks like, so stick around, because It. Is. Terrifying! Choo Choo, let’s go!
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This is why tomas should have been banned
the final form is spider
Spider Thomas is from just Joe king
Is nobody going to talk about how Thomas went off track at around 3:50
Thomas:Beep Beep! Im in the space!
Have a battle against train eater and Thomas.exe
captain 2021
so who … who won
I love how utterly ridiculous this can get lmao
Someone get lightning mcqueen
My childhood is cursed
Just be life the most terrified of people that I hate to say is that I don’t think we need to get ixiksks ㅡ다ㅓ바ㅏ배ㅏ바배ㅏㅛㅓㅗㅓㅓㅡ브므저저자므므ㅡ브브저즈자자자자저줗효ㅕㅑㅐ모ㅡㅑㅐ나ㅡ즈자자벼ㅓㅔㅎㄹㅇ어ㅑㅐ,ㅓㅕ
Choo choo
Nice mod Thomas is kinda a cool mod
7:54 Top anime betrayals Sir top’in hat being eaten by Thomas the tank engine
Wait I know that voice
7:24 L
oues player
Wow so op
I love Thomas he is my childhood friend and idle hero
they will playing dead
who invited garcello here
Wow Mr Cheese Became Smarter
You can call another fat controller
when thomas gave away his phase 3 3:42
so sus
Mi sister is a big fan of tomis
And make more pless than you
6:18 6:58 7:42
Your vids are for babies
I love dum
I really like the Thomas and friends mod it’s really cool and kapi please be quiet
Mother: I HAVE ARACHNOPHOBIA(fear of spiders) me: me too even though I'm male and it affects on female more than male,also phobias are the worst and some are dumb because my brother has a phobia of escalators even arachnophobia is dumb and stupid if you don't think that's dumb then see cynophobia(fear of dogs) and a phobia of cats oh and also couldrophobia(fear of clowns) IS DUMB I will be having a phobia of Thomas the train after I watch this twice! Just to let you know that I wasn't here to talk about phobias
do Elmo
Mr cheese you can say I'm a bit or a crossroad Thomas hello everyone Mr cheese hello Mr train me idk what is happening
As a child, I watched Thomas and played with the toys. I could never imagine Thomas like this…
Tongan the train engine
Lol they have made an ad with your thumbnail
Can you do Thomas the tank engine and turn him into c
7:50 he eats
Thomas no Smoke…..?
You should do the train eater roll This one is just to like Thomas But the train is replaced with a fleshy train with eyes on it and a mouth in front Here's the powers so the train camouflage as a subway train And if you I'm a Flash you will lose all of your powers and get one power it's delete in you let the people go and find you and slowly turn back to normal As everyone start slowly get digestedThe other one is the eatin Power When someone's on the tracks you have to click the eating button