TASK MONSTER imposter in Among Us
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We add a TASK MONSTER Impostor in Among us
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Mod Maker: @Lookumz
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👨🏻🍳 Awesome Video Editor ► Russell
👨🏼🎨 Awesome Thumbnail Maker ► Flash
🎨 Awesome Animator ► David
🎶 Music by Ninety9 ► LivesTobu – Such Fun
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Ssundee thanos sigils has gained another infinity stone
Mod idea: Xenomorph Vs Predator The imposter is the xenomorph while one of the crew mates is the predator, the predator has to kill the xenomorph but the xenomorph has to face hug all the crew mates
Idk but can you do a clash Royale with sico and bundee
Sigel's is making infinyty stones stop him
Off the evil and evil Utan iPad
Mod Idea: Rick and Morty
why hasnt he posted
SSundee why haven’t you uploaded a video
R u ok? U haven’t posted in a while
Do you know that Biffle means d**kslap in french ? Is it intentional ? (Since i've seen him in one of ur video for the 1st time, I was meaning to ask u this question.)
Ps : As always, hilarous video.
I would like a bill greens imposter vid plz
What about a baseball mod?
Where ar u it been 4 days
What taking so long with the videos
Uhh, SSUNDEE where are the videos?
What’s taking so long
Ssundee.. i really hope you okay as u havnt uploaded for day so if something has happened irl then i really hope you and your family are okay.. x
i love your vids so much bro 🙂 🙂
4 days no among us vids where is he now
Mod idea Eevee mod Eevee has speed boost Vaporeon sprays water and knocks back opponents with cooldown to evolve you need do special tasks that are extra long like mini qiests for Umbreon turns lights off for 10 seconds Jolteon stuns people with thunderwave Sylveon messes up controls and tasks Flareon burns enemies 2 burns kills people leafeon uses poison powder and slows enemies and eventually makes them too sick to walk 50/50 chance glacion freezes floor and makes the floor and espion can mind controll people to kill or make them walk away if chasing if imposter or not and the imposter can unevolve players is immune to effects and can use 3 or 2 different evolutions.
Do a mode about the quiet place
u use to daily update whats up
I didn’t click the like button
I hate ssundee i do not know if it was the real ssundee but he called me a moron
Let’s get this man to 20 mil
It was zud
ssundee where are you its been 4 days
I must have lied.. The like button turned grey.. 🙁
Do the nerd becoming the bully of the evil bully episode:>>
When do you upload videos
Do a bendy mod in among us
what does lockdown do when you're infecting a task
Bring back derp SSundee please!!!
can u do an attack on titan mod
Mod Idea: Do a Uno Reverse card mod so where if you’re an imposter and you try and kill someone and they’re role is uno reverser than the imposter dies instead of crewmate
The. Minigame is from. Mario party 1 or 2 or idk but in that game re-created
Mod idea: U should use carnage for the next one like a arm grab ability and then a venom who protects everyone from the new venom movie thats coming soon
You made a Fortnite vid 5 MONTHS AGO
Mod idea: play rlcraft sundee iv been a fan for 4 years and I think rlcraft would be a great choice for you.
godzilla vs task monster or godzilla and kong vs mechagodzilla
He hasn't post video since Tuesday
Raft 🙁
hey ssunde you should make an hamoliton
You have got to see the explanation for fortnight that top game 5 put up three hours ago