Sykkuno’s TROLLING makes TINA MAD! | Among Us Funny Moments
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I do not own any of the clips shown in the video and all credit goes to the streamers.
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Background Music:
“Divertimento K131” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
“Unrelenting” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
“Teddy Bear Waltz” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
“Spy Glass” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
“Volatile Reaction” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
Outro Music:
One Verse – Snow Heart
Great edits as always.
Sykkuno's water bill! :< (btw nice editing! :D)
Would it kill to make a 20 minutes long video? (Instead of cutting away too quickly just elaborate a little more) I'm saying it bcz I luv these videos man.
Sykkuno the Unpredictable..
Omg that water bill thingy is so funny lol
Love your edits!! Go go go.
Hope everyone has a good day. Stay safe. And if you are struggling you are in my prayers
sometimes I want to smack him
without a stick!
Water bill 😂😂😂
Your edits are great!!!
Did Sykkuno said 10 pesos?😂😂😂
lol tina so cute here 6:03
Lol, no wonder they try to kill him first round no matter what whenever they can.
Sykkuno : "she was inching over like a – like little earthworm"
Tina : "aN eArThWoRm?? OhH"
Lmao.. 🙂
Oh, I get it. Wendy was hired by the water company to take Sykkuno out, right?
Sykluno needs to stop being dumb
Why are these so well made?! WHY ARR YOU NOT HIRED YET???
In the middle of the video I legit clicked out and checked to see if this was a Sykkuno video. Your edits are so clean and on point
Sykkuno is nice person but have a low iq
this is what happens when you shrimp too much… poor tina and wendy and the crew mates haha
Sykkuno do be paying water bills of an entire state
huhhhhhh she said the audacity lol
I love Tina is he is so beautiful
What sauce is 9:50
Sykkuno: lures Tina into a corner
Also Sykkuno: Tina was luring me into a corner
10:44 tina lol😂
The goal to staying sane in this lobby is to have no desire to win. It's troll city here lol
More of Tina and sykkuno please
how did sykkuno's analysis had the unpaid water bill thing?
I watched this on toast's pov
Ash: "You've got the chalk but I've got the knife!"
Sykkuno you lured Tina into a corner now blaming poor Innocent Tina 😂
Honestly the proof of all bodies were soo lame how can Tina who has the chalk can get it when no one can get it lol
"Victim has an abnormally large IQ"
00:58 "an earthworm" 🥺
4:38 Look how cute rae is when sykkuno's leaf hat fits perfect to hers, so pretty!!!
Sykkuno and Tina should just get together already..
"Un paid water bill" it had me dying…
3:34 OMG I love this part
4:01 yOu fOuNd An uNpAiD wAtEr BiLl iN tHe ViCtUmS pOcKeT
So funny that sykkuno trusted the imposter more than the guardian
Tina is adorable.
hahahahaha tina running to the button instead of reporting bc shes so shook by the detective's notes was so perfect