she ra princesses plays among us -

she ra princesses plays among us

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Hi! Hope you enjoyed watching! I’m Adora again btw

Special thanks to:
Glimmer: Jegi
Scorpia: a(dora)theexplorer
Entrapta: MercuryMade33
Mermista: Hey_Adora.mp3
Perfuma: PrinceStalactites4
Frosta: Lawarence

My social media
instagram: @babbbyadora

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  1. G O L D 👌👌👌🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈🏳‍🌈

  2. To be honest I thought it was going to be just another video but wow I laughed so hard LOL that's soooo Adora 😂😂😂

  3. If you think about it Entrapta would be the imp. Her hair is like the tongue kill and when she was stuck in the horde after everybody thought she was dead, she had to hide in the vents

  4. Omg adoras character is like a replica of my character in among us 😂

  5. I love how adora said she was it 🥰 its so like her

  6. Entrapta doesn't even care that people are dying lmao

  7. did I just learn from this video that you can vent and come out another room?

  8. POV: you’re catra and you didn’t get to play

  9. Adora should have the sword on her head lol

  10. catra should have been the impostor😂

    oh wait is this like before catra joined the rebellion
    nvm then

  12. Catra: *I facepalms as she watches her girlfriend tell everyone she's the imposter* God damn it, Adora….that's not how the game is played!

    Adora: It's not? I thought I was supposed to kill people?

    Catra: You are but then you're supposed to deflect the suspicion off you or lie about it….

    Adora: So…I-

    Catra: Failed miserably, yes.

  13. Can you do Avatar: the last airbender characters next please? Or characters from Voltron legendary defender

  14. I love how adora is just like 🌙📚👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏽 in the show and everyone makes her out to be ✨🌸🤪

  15. Now add Double Trouble and just have them win every time except for one time when they need to fake laughing

  16. It just bothers me that there wasn’t a round where Entrapta got imposter and started venting in front of everyone because she loves to travel by vent and just being completely oblivious to the fact that that’s a big no-no😂

  17. Yay Among us, or how I like to call it Mer-mysteries

  18. Where the frick is now and catra and sea hawkkkkkk

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