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The game begins, while AppleJack leaves for the O2 to do his mission, she meets someone who ” BOOM ” kills her directly, she did not have time to see who was the impostor, a few minutes later FlutterShy who passed by sees the body and reports it to the rest of the group, after a few minutes of conversation nothing emerges from this conversation.
While it is panic on the ship because of sabotage, everyone spins fixed it, it is instantly that Pinkie who was going to put the seismic stabilizer back on, crosses a pony who “PAF” instantly kills her , shortly after it is RainbowDash who sees and reports the body to the rest of the team.
As everyone wonders who the impostor is and no one is kicked out during the talks, it all goes on and Rarity who was going to do her missions screamed with all her might when she found Twilight’s body in the arms room, she chatted and accused FlutterShy because she had seen her shortly before.
As Rarity yelled at FlutterShy accusing her, Flutter insisted that it wasn’t her and that she had just finished her mission and that it would be impossible for her to kill her friends and have to lie afterwards, Rainbow she didn’t know what to say and do, she was watching this scene in front of her. Rarity decided to vote against FlutterShy and RainbowDash followed the vote, FlutterShy was ejected.
Rainbow Dash was the impostor and for those who wondered about her wings, she taped them so that they are as flat as possible ;), I really hope you liked 😀
While it is panic on the ship because of sabotage, everyone spins fixed it, it is instantly that Pinkie who was going to put the seismic stabilizer back on, crosses a pony who “PAF” instantly kills her , shortly after it is RainbowDash who sees and reports the body to the rest of the team.
As everyone wonders who the impostor is and no one is kicked out during the talks, it all goes on and Rarity who was going to do her missions screamed with all her might when she found Twilight’s body in the arms room, she chatted and accused FlutterShy because she had seen her shortly before.
As Rarity yelled at FlutterShy accusing her, Flutter insisted that it wasn’t her and that she had just finished her mission and that it would be impossible for her to kill her friends and have to lie afterwards, Rainbow she didn’t know what to say and do, she was watching this scene in front of her. Rarity decided to vote against FlutterShy and RainbowDash followed the vote, FlutterShy was ejected.
Rainbow Dash was the impostor and for those who wondered about her wings, she taped them so that they are as flat as possible ;), I really hope you liked 😀
Reference Sheet:
DrawingProgram: PaintToolSai.
Tablet Xp-Pen 13Hd Pro.
Recording: Open Broadcaster Software.
Video Editing: VegasPro 17.
Inspiration: HyannaNatsu-EmalaJiss-MianMian-LuvYa-BlitsAzalisDash-ClayPony.
*-* Thank You For Watching *-*
Dwng why does my favrotie pony is the killer?😱😱😱😱😱
Who's the black pony anyway- is it twilight cuz I noticed that twilight was not in the killing scene :v
Rainbow dash doesn’t have wings☠️☠️☠️
The drips on fluttershy remind me of one of my art school projects 💀
Bro's element is loyalty..
And also she should have killed twillight first anyways cause twillight is very powerful with her magic.
I see why rainbow would kill AJ cause AJ is one of the strongest ponys and she would never get fraimed for killing her best friend.
Qual o nome da música em 9:44 ?
Rainbow dash?More likeSus
The susy baka🤨😔😔😔
Rainbow dash was the imposter
Rainbow dash was one..?
You draw so good💓
If the rainbow dash was sus
Amazing art
I love how it shows polus areas where the most among us kills happen
Wait how are they holding the knife??? With a hoof
50:39 estava vendo um speed paint de among us, pisquei, e vi uma cena em Half Life
it's cool but friendship!!!!
Omg not flutter shy shes so nice😢😢😢😭😭😭
face is not cool sorry
rainbow dash kill it rarity?!!
too imposter
Pony danger!
I can see why rainbows the imposter! She was angered by one or two of her friends so she went on a killing spreeShe targeted apple jack because nobody suspects someone would kill they're best friend so … They skip the voteShe suspects that pinky pie wouldve seen her kill AJ and goes after her next to keep her secret hidden… Later she knows Twilight would find out about it sooner or later so she starts heading to Twilight and she acts normal but stabs Twilight when she does her task… Then Rainbow blamed Fluttershy for the kills because she said she has a side no one has seen but Rainbow has because Rainbow saw Fluttershy kill Twilight… Rarity belived Rainbow and voted off Fluttershy.. She was the last to live but after the vote when Fluttershy was ejected Rarity saw she wasn't the imposter… Rainbow killed her immediately when the vote was over and chased her 'till Rainbow got Rarity! So she was the imposter…..🇪🇪Tysm For Reading This And It's Just A Theory Until I Saw The End! And Thanks Again I Don't Mind 0 Likes aBecause I'm A Kind Perrson! You Know Libras♎
is ok
This took Among us to a different level
Your french?!
И эта пони элемент Верности…разочарование
To be honest I don't like these types of songs but ima support u
Как называется музыка 6:45 ?
What’s the song?
Rainbow Dash hates Apple Jack so she kills her first before everybody. 'THE GAME IS FAIR THAT'S THE RULE OF THE GAME!!!'
12:00 it’s like professional but I can look at this chest
Just because rainbowdash is the imposter doesnt mean she has to kill her freinds.
so rainbow dash was the imposter all along? I loved ✨but where are her wings?
I think the killer is twilight?
Not here to criticize these amazing art pieces but I was thinking about the hooves, maybe there can be like a small strap that the pony imposter can slide their hooves into make it seem more like a firm grip? Cause if the “ponyposter” were to drop the knifeThat won’t be fun to deal with lol
i like your drawing but the blood drawwing i dreamming about it
Who thought Fluttershy was the imposter!?
The ears make them look like wolfs or foxes no afence
lol, spoiler alert, starlight and pony sunset were the imposters. (i know it was dash, i read the description, i was just joking) also maneblue, my i use this idea for my own personal art that might have a chance of being posted on my twitter, Facebook, or amino accounts? i don't think i'll post it on my channel.
Ponies: Die in ways that can’t be healedPhysics: I’m gonna pretend I didn’t see that