If Among Us Was a BFDI Challenge - amongus.gallery

If Among Us Was a BFDI Challenge

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Inanimate Insanity Plays Among Us:
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  1. 1:29 four has a task and lolipop to shatter this glass vase but four did it ending

  2. 1:53 why are you wearing a hide unethically scrapped off the body of a innocent Teletubbie ending

  3. 2:58 tennis ball Js the imposter with a submit scan by setting you on fire 🔥

  4. 4:02 the doors closed in admin and gelitan gets scared ending

  5. 4:04 X is also the imposter with red amogus outfit and says hi gelitan and kills him and laughs hahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahha ending

  6. Is no one talking about a shadow in four's body

  7. Plot twist: X didn’t kill Gelatin, but scared him so much that he was frozen in fear.
    Gelatin did say they were 6, after all

  8. Aanny said and 4 look so cute! and X look creepy


  10. that emergerncy botton willl you see imposter [will kill tennis ball] and vote them

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