How to DIY Among Us Imposters & Body Found Polymer Clay/Resin Tutorial
Hey everyone! This is PolymomoTea and for today’s video I have a how to make/diy/craft/sculpt this cute/kawaii little Among Us Imposters & Body Found corpses tutorial made out of polymer clay and resin. Inspired the popular video game. SUS!
Among Us Shrink Plastic DIY:
You will need polymer clay: an oven bake clay that hardens once baked according to instructions. Commons brands I use are fimo, sculpey and premo. Bought from Michaels, Hobby Lobby or Joanns or Amazon. Air dry clay works just as well.
Resin: a compound that is time curing into a hardened plastic material. I used UV resin, but you may also use 2 Part resin. Link to UV resin here: and look up “UV resin”. UV resin requires curing in direct sunlight or under a UV lamp, I use a UV lamp used for nails/nail art.
The mold maker I used is called SortaClear 12. But you can also get at Sophie and Toffee as well.
#amongus #diy #resin #clay #polymerclay
***Please refer to my FAQ Playlist for tricks, tips and tools
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Audio: Mr Tea from YouTube Audio Library
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I had school today and I'm gonna ask my art teacher if we can use clay to d ok the among us character thing
Si me gustan pero soy niña de 4 años y no entiendo puedo poner letras en español para que sea facil 🙂
You my brother blue and my children red purple and im pink
Oh and emily wich is yellow
Чоса херня
When you put the sign dum, they actually look like dummies XD I laughed out so hard
I want one as well❤️❤️❤️
i want it AND I want it ALL
Please 😁
they look so cute pls edible lol almost like a filled gummy candy like gushers
I’m legit yellow that’s my main character
I just started watching and I think I’m upsets with you now I’m watching all your videos like I’m just literally knew and I just subscribed and I was just upset with the channel like yesterday
IT WORKED TYSMMMM THANK YOU SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛😳😳😲😲😳😳😲😲💛😲😲😲😳😲💛💛😲😳😳😲💛💛😳😳😲💛💛💛😲😲😳😳😳😲💛💛💛💛😲😲😳😳😳😳😲😲💛💛😲😳😳😲💛😲😲😳😳😲💛💛💛😲😳😳😲😲💛💛😲😳💛😲😳💛
It kind a looks like slime lol
Check out my Among us plushie tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnzqNvFqRg8&t=1s
Space potato is sus
I like
Wow is cool
Wait I know this is random but at 0.20 he said it kind of looks like a giant potato doesn't he me tiny .. random I know
Do you make all the colors of a mang us
But the accessories are plastic to
Hi These look cool
How do you find that mold?
Anyone that’s bored in school would really want these like me :>
Where's Pink😢
I play Among US a lot at home and I love to play as Yello
I think you're the upholstery because you just Leist mangas player's legs
Hello, love among ua
I did them mine turned out horrible 😭😭😭😭🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯😖😖😖😖
My favorite color is yellow chrome silver and jelly color
It kinda a jelly
It’s a charrey
How is so cute 😻 the little among us ❣️
I wanna make these but resin is toxic 😭
Silicon mold tutorial pls
I love this