Halloween! Among Us: Woolie VerSUS - amongus.gallery

Halloween! Among Us: Woolie VerSUS

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Halloween Stream on October 31st 2020

Woolie VS Tip Jar:

Little V
Lady V

Edited by Minh
Thumbnail fanart by Valen


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  1. Oh no Woolie got even more infected by the Vtuber virus. I fear soon it will be inoperable

  2. First witnessed appearance of Punchmom… Neat!

  3. "No one's that good."
    A shark and lion pair disagree.

  4. The Woolie Vs. Fortnite is not too far now and I am terrified

  5. >Eva costume

    Woolie this VTuber shit is getting real weird

  6. At last, a game where Woolie the Liar can excel.

  7. That Reggie sticker is super strong. Absolutely amazing!

  8. Woolie laughs maniacally just like me when I win as imposter 😂

  9. Woolie the Liar was born for this game! As he proves early on!

  10. I'm just picturing Minh's salt right at the start of this… particularly because you SAW him get instantly sus of Woolie, even tailing him a little… I wish there was a clip of that from his POV

  11. Woolie's stream: "Aww Woolie, why'd you kill me? GGs tho"
    Pat's stream: (incoherent screaming and Plague self-reporting) "THIS CAN'T HAPPEN EVERY GAME"

  12. Looks at title

    Pumps shotgun with evil intent.

  13. I often feel weird watching your videos bc I'm so behind on who all these people are. I hope you do more videos of among us bc this feels like a great way to introduce them all

  14. woolie sure is dressed up as a weird looking unicorn

  15. Woolie is always the impostor even when he is not the impostor, he is.

  16. Yooo Woolie dressed as a pony, nice bro i never knew.

  17. Woolie's reaction to Reggie killing him was the same as mine.

  18. Even after Minh pointed out who he always end up hanging out with the killer and died first, no one starting suspecting whoever he ends up following.

  19. Alright that evil laugh comes too naturally from Woolie….

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