FART BOMB IMPOSTER Role in Among Us - amongus.gallery


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We give IMPOSTORS a FART POISON Ability in Among Us

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👨🏻‍🍳 Awesome Video Editor ► Russell

👨🏼‍🎨 Awesome Thumbnail Maker ► Flash

🎨 Awesome Animator ► David

🎶 Music by Ninety9 ► LivesTobu – Such Fun
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  1. Ssundee Literally should be a sing, I think he sings better then Justin Bieber

  2. The like button turned white because I am on mobile

  3. Hi, SSundee!

    Also, on the YouTube app on iOS and iPadOS, when I pressed the like button, it turned “white.” It does, however, turn blue on the website.

  4. i like how he says if you think that was toxic (pun intended) hit the like button.

  5. If it was a poison love I should bring my poisonous stuffy frog she likes poisonous things and when she always knows if somebody farts at her face she doesn't care so I may be could play this game but I don't have enough money but my poisonous stuffy frog is kind of poisonous and sometimes it always likes poison so this game is perfect for a poisonous frog right yeah

  6. Food Imposter: One: U Will Turn into Anything like popcorn hotdog fries burger Two: They shoot Food Everywhere The Crew has 30 HP u need finish task u will summon the gym one Last Thrid: They Can See Everyone Where are they Hope Your Enjoy

  7. Instead of telling everyone who the imp is. He decides to scream till he dies

  8. i love how the poison death animation is just cyan killing cyan

  9. Next Role: youtuber the youtuber they get to choose their favorite abilities from other to create a mashup and they get their custom design

  10. The only reason I watched this video was the song lol

  11. Oh my goodness this is going to be amazing and you are so amazing and you are going to die by

  12. 5:56 WOOOOOULDNT it be nice if we were dabbing, dabbing! All over our daad.

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