Crewmate yuk bisa yuk !! Among Us Indonesia
Ridwan Blade
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IG : Ridwan_Blade
FanArt By : crystal_natasya_lovely
Gaming Gears
Keyboard : Steel Series Apex7
Mouse : Zowie ZA 11
MousePad : Zowie GSR SE
HeadSet : Hyper X Cloud Flight
Mic : Hyper X QuadCast
FaceCam : Logitech C922
Spec PC
Mobo : X570 aorus elite
Procie : Ryzen 7 3700x
VGA : Msi rtx 2070super ventus
SSD : Wdc nvme 500gb
Cooler : Aio id cooling 240
Fan : 120mm rgb fan id cooling
PSU : Corsair cv650
Casing : Nzxt h500
Kalau di perhatiin blade itu paling sering nemu mayat. Mau pas jadi crewmate ataupun impostor & jackal. Rezeki nya bagus wkwk
49:23 crewmate (lighter) defeat (jackal win)1:32:36 crewmate (swapper) defeat (impostor win)2:01:09 neutral (jackal) victory (jackal wins)2:28:03 crewmate (sheriff) victory (crewmate wins)2:44:46 crewmate (portalmaker) victory (crewmate wins)3:09:51 impostor (morphling) defeat (crewmate + pursuer win)3:35:23 neutral (lawyer) defeat (crewmate wins)3:56:48 neutral (jackal) defeat (crewmate wins)
La mejor parte es ver a LYNELLEE.Uno se da cuenta de lo locoy que es el fandom real.
5:25 artisticas son unos gisellee.monster muchas y un buen ejercicio. Saludos desdef la Cd. de world 🌹😉💖
aku butuh kang menit 🤤