CREWMATE vs IMPOSTER Among Us Reimagined Human Art Challenge | Semi-Realistic Art Style | Mei Yu
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#artchallenge #meiyu #drawingchallenge
Before and after alien possession
you were my inspiration to start art
When she takes her makeup off
it's very fun it's really fun with friends and you have to guess who the imposter is and I love all of your drawings they are so amazing and I've been following you for 4 years I love your art style. it's amazing ^^
It's so fun and my friend made a human art of my character it cute
I main as black with a squiggle antenna on my head… I really enjoy the quick game play and quirks behind both crew and imposter. It's a fun game for any age really and the debating is very fun.
I like twist you made
The drawing is wonderfull
Having the imposter in a mirror could make it look more creepy as well. Great work.
What kind of sketching pencil did you use in the beginning?
Merch of this pleaseeeeee
Noobie vs seasoned vet
1:24 just from the sketch I can already tell it's going to be horrifying
Edit: I was right I didn't want to sleep tonight anyway XD
This is probably the best among us character as a human great work
The drawing was not that scary but then again I really like this stuff you know monsters and things like that keep up the good work
This situation could be like a girl before school and the a girl after school….
Okay… So I love this game…. And thanks for giving me tonight's nightmare! ♥️
Love this creation!
I really like the game it is addicting and thrilling. I'm actually gonna play after watching this video. I love how you have to work together to solve the mystery of the imposters. My husband, brother in law's and I all love playing together, and you come across some really amusing people while playing the game. I'm working on being a better imposter, I'm not all that smooth at killing and hiding and keeping the suspicion off me lol. Gotta keep practicing.
normal pink: me when im on my nice day
imposter pink: me when im hungry
Love the art. Halloween is coming up and I like to see you draw some Ghostbusters please.
I always main as Pink with bear ears and I've also drawn my character as humans (one crewmate and one imposter).
I'm so happy u thought of the same idea!! I love it and I love u!
im soooo jealous i wish I can draw like that
Mal sehen, wer alles diesen Kommentar versteht😆
I LOVE THIS MONSTER DESIGN- I see you went all over with the impostor version.
Nice version: Me in real life
Impostor version: My stories
If I had to caption that beautiful picture I would say first date vs a year in a relationship
Me alone (left)
Me when im around people. ( right)
The Good Twin vs The Evil Twin
Crewmate = before coffee, imposter = after coffee xDDDD
On her Tinder profile: cute, innocent, loves pink, down to earth and loves fashion. If you want to meet me, I'll send you my address on message 🙂
When people arrives to her place…. they come inside, but never outside again…..
I remember you when I was 7.I kept watching your channel your amazing 🙂
The Picure is so cool and creepy.😄😆
Could you do so my little pony characters
Hi MeiYu.
I bought one of your face masks from Zazzle and never recieved it.
Very very dissapointed in the company and I honestly hope that you move to a more reliable website in the future.
You remind me a lot of my actual art teacher at school 😁
Me happy with the thumbnail vs me annoyed the thumbnail looks better than my completed drawing xD.
Or me when i've eaten vs me when i'm hangry
or me on a good night sleep vs me with not much sleep xD
I love the game, and I play Pink.
When they believe you and vote out the Imposter vs Saying you self-reported and vote you, a crewmate, off 🙂
I usually get annoyed by games that suddenly appears everywhere with no escape, but watching people play Among Us is so much fun. Super sneaky deception, 50/50 guesses, blaming others to save yourself, and playing detective or murderer is so interesting. Plus some people have come up with hilarious alternate "game modes" like hide and seek, or what I would just call absolute chaos.
…Sorry about that paragraph.
its amazing. and i think you should use the second part of the art and see what happend on the other side. im suggesting it could be like the ketchup bottle didnt open for her sandwich so she opened it up her own way. just a thought. but keep the art going!
FYI this game came out years ago and it’s just now becoming popular
Hi. I'm your avid fan and I also upload my artworks here in YouTube. You inspired me to draw
can you do crewmates as danganronpa characters?
caption: before i played among us vs. after i played among us
I have a story for the Among us game using Pink and the other crewmates. So pink was a young beautiful gentle girl who loved nature and science. one day she hoped she could visit the moon! But she knew that wasn't a possibility because her family was poor. One day when Pink was on her couch reading about space, she heard a knock on the door. Pink opened the door and she recognized the person there immediately. It was Michale Berlings from NASA! "Hello. I believe you are pink?" Michale asked. "Yes, that's me." Pink replied. She was excited and confused at the same time. "You have been invited to join a space crew with 6 other crewmates." OMG! Yay!" Pink could not believe it. She was so happy! "Right yes. But you need to start training today." "Okay, yeah of course!" pink got into the car where Michale Berlings had come from. A couple hours later Pink got into her training station. It looked so much like space! She remembered that some of the people there told her that they brought some plants from some other planets but examined them first to check if they were safe, they were! The training room didn't have any windows or security cameras. Pink soon saw a beautiful plant and walked over to it and smelled it. But as she was smelling it a tongue came out of nowhere and ate Pink! The alien creature took over Pinks's body and pretended to be a crewmate. The alien (whom we will now call pink) went off to find her friend who is also pretending to be a crewmate. Pink soon found Blue (who was the other alien creature) and they made their plans. Soon they met up with the 5 crewmates. Once they all got on board to spaceship the people helping out said, "It has come to our attention that two Alien creatures called Impostors have killed and taken over the bodies of two crewmates and we believe their goal is to kill everyone on the ship. So instead of discussing what you've found during meetings, you will vote someone out, and whoever you've voted out will be thrown into space without there helmet. And before you ask if the Imposters can breathe in space, they can only do what their host body can do. But they will also keep some of their talents like lying, convincing, and killing. Now off you go! And remember, there are 2 Impostors among us…" And thus the game begun. That's my story! Hope you liked it!
So cull
I realise I’ve been subscribed to you for like, almost 4 years now
Now here I am starting my own insta art account
Thank you, Mei Yu, for inspiring me like this, your channel genuinely helped me become who I am❤️💖💗💖
My classmates play this game .I don’t (can you make a front side body tutorial please :3).
Drawing suggestion: Quickshadow from Transformers Rescue Bots as a human.