CREWMATE vs IMPOSTER Among Us Reimagined Human Art Challenge | Semi-Realistic Art Style | Mei Yu
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📘 How to Draw Reimagined Characters (Learn to Reimagine Your Favorite Characters as Different Things)
📘 Fun2draw (Cute, Easy Kawaii Drawings for All Skill Levels 1, 2, 3)
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#artchallenge #meiyu #drawingchallenge
I love this game because i love to solve mysteries and tasks!❤️🤩
I used to watch your videos everyday when I was younger, it’s good to see your channel’s still hustling and bustling. Also, I was wondering if you could incorporate more dragon ball characters into your videos, I just think that’d be pretty cool:)
Wow amazing
Do you play among us.
I like this game and my oc Is the White with a Mask (Ye the Mask we use to exit) i think White and cian can be girls
What I should try to look like as imposter: left
What I actually look like: right
She reminds me of the pink power ranger
Pink is so beautiful and innocent looking. What do you mean you saw Pink vent? She was with me in Admin the ENTIRE time. She could have killed me doing uploads. You know that is kind of sus that Red is pointing fingers like that. AND he found the body. Self report. Get them out of here. Vote em out.
– The Third Imposter
Mei yu this is absolutely amazing and I really hope to see a part two
Among us
When you said hungery an add for gum poped up so funny 😆😆😆😂😂😂😂
I love your drawing!! 😍💖 I would interpret this as Me vs Me hangry! Lol 😂
My boyfriend's little bean shot me in the back of the head mercilessly
I play among us it’s really fun
I think if you want something next brutal you should play the roblox version and the art style is a 9 for me a 10 if it was real I would probably faint and a caption for this would be like: me when not on my period😇 vs me when I am😈
This is much better than the monster princesses!
Obviously 🙄🙄🙄 10
Among Us is the best way to turn your friends against each other while you go off killing them.
I really love her design! May I draw fan-art of her?
Speaking of adorable characters getting killed in horrible ways, I would love to see some Happy Tree Friends characters as humans some time. Don't worry, gore not required 😉
I remember watching your videos when I was younger :0 💜💜💜💜
Others: I can never see pink as the imposter!
Mei yu: i'm about to do what's called a pro artist move!
I love how you called them beans
Before shift, after shift
WOW! I love your drawings!🤩🤩🤩
the IMPOSTER is without coffee and the crewmate is with coffee HAHAHAH
I literally got to play this with my best friend and a couple other people yesterday, and I had no idea this little game could be so much fun, if not slightly addicting. ^^''
I got to be the Imposter 3 times and was only caught once (got a bit too eager to start killing the Crewmates lol xDD), and I can fully see the little characters looking like monsters as you've drawn here.
It also reminds me of the horror movie by John Carpenter – "The Thing." So yeah, nothing like playing out the scary scenario of who you can and can't trust, who is human and who is something otherworldly. x)
I do not find drawings scary at all
But that is pure amazing art
Own or gift my first adult coloring book! 🌈🖍️
mom in public:
mom at home:
I always sus pink
I didn’t even think of the imposters being aliens. That’s actually a very interesting concept
Mei Yu: Why do you like this game so much?
Me: actually I’ve never heard of this game, I just like watching you draw.
Ugh you are so creative! Every video I see I get more and more shocked at the talent coming out of your hands😍
Just found out your channel as i was looking for a way to draw a Harry Portter robes for a friend birthday gift, and i looooooooooooved your content!!! Totally subscribed 😊😊😊
Omg I used to watch you a while ago and you really helped me to draw and I loved your style then I didn’t see any of your videos and I searched you up and found this ahhh
mei that the sad truth of among us you are a crew mate and do task and might get murdered or your inposter and you muder other pepole UnU by the way i love your chanale
Plot twist: Left was the imposter
I like Among Us because its one of those games that make you wanna play again and again. I also like it because the concept makes it really interesting and fun.
You could've draw among us as astronaut
This is too scary jeez ಠ_ಠ
I love the existence of killing and running to hide lol
I honestly wasn’t expecting the imposter to be an actual monster since a always picture the imposter to just be a sociopath type person
The art piece is still very impressive and it’s nice that you did something different from everyone else 🥰
I remember watching your videos when I was like 7 or 8 now I’m 12 rewatching old videos and watching new ones. ♥️
The alien is her ugly twin sister.
(That's the caption :D)
My goal in drawing is to make identical drawings like u ur just awesome 😀
Left side without Bill's. Right side with them
Luv this vid!
Among us is like a card game called werewolf there are 2 werewolves and they try to kill and frame the villagers