Among us Finger Animation #2 (flipaclip) -

Among us Finger Animation #2 (flipaclip)

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Apps: Flipaclip and Obs studio

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  1. "00:40"😂 Greetings! But it's much easier with INJAPP 📌 as I know

  2. him: animates using his hand
    me: does the same thing to make all my animated vid using my hand and flipaclip (not the premium, i do it the hard way cuz idk how to pay)
    idk how old he first animated but i did it when i was 10 and now i'm 11

  3. I wish I could become a good drawer well I guess it's my fault I haven't even practiced when I don't even know what to practice from (I'm not joking I'm actually highkey trash at drawing)

  4. He ate a demon head first because the tail of the demon is sticking out and the tongue looks like a demon tail

  5. Mi cerebro:fácil
    Mis ojos:fácil
    Mi mano: hay destinos peores que la muerte…

  6. I draw with da finger too, but I don't get this fame.


    Anyways you draw better than me.


  7. Wow! Good animating!
    Can u make a tutorial for this? Pls


    Never gonna give you up,

    Never gonna let you down,

    Never gonna run around and desert you,

    Never gonna make you cry,

    yu ar sus

  9. Também tem o jogo stickmin animação para criar

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