15 AMONG US Mistakes ONLY Noobs Make - amongus.gallery

15 AMONG US Mistakes ONLY Noobs Make

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15 AMONG US Mistakes ONLY Noobs Make

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This Among Us Video is based around 15 MISTAKES Only Among Us NOOBS Make, For more among us tips & tricks, among us secrets, among us best moments & more subscribe.

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  1. When I was doing card swipe and I got It first try

  2. I am an pro imposter in among us as I win every time seriously I am not joking…

  3. I remember when I was a impostor and no one notice I won the game

  4. Me (Playing on mobile): Almost getting voting off (Since, I don't know how to use the communication wheel yet) and mostly playing ghost.

  5. T5G: “There are so many mistakes noobs make”
    Me when I was new to the game: hah I watched so many tip videos that it was ez

  6. can play with you in among us with my friends please.

  7. Well I play among us you know like every other person and everyone keeps pressing the emergency Meeting butt and over and over and over

  8. "You Can't Vote Someone Out With No Evidence"

    when the imposter is sus! 😲: "Am I A Joke To You"?

  9. When I started Among us I didn't know what the sabotage is for

  10. On the airship you can watch cameras but there's no cameras around the map

  11. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  12. If someone follows me in among us I am clever so I lose them. Or when a imposter I kill them at a good time

  13. the card swipe is easy to me i get it on a few tries i do it a bit slowly and then it works

  14. I always do swipe card first time

  15. I really like your videos and i also play among us its so cool

  16. Wait why did I watch this I know cams turn red

  17. If you drag in the card to the third line slowly on the card swipe task then go fast on the cards like task there's another way to do it swipe the card swipe the card and left and light left and right four times

  18. i sab lights and then lock the other doors and once every one is here in 1 group i do a stack kill and it always works

  19. 8:10
    Noob : us noobs also get caught out all the time even though we kill without anyone see !!!

    Lime : I'm i a joke to u ?

  20. 16. Don't kill if 4 players…
    So when your imposter and your with someone
    And the other 2 are together don't kill the person you were with because
    The other 2 player could find the body and say you are sus
    But if you are lucky to sabotage or kill both the person you were with and one of the 2 together you
    Can get Victory.

  21. it sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo easy to do card swipe

  22. ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠿⠛⠛⠛⢻⡻⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿















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