There’s Been a Murder! | Among Us ANIMATED
ABD Illustrates
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I played a bit of among us with my friends recently and there were just… SO many moments that had me in absolute stitches; and today I wanted to bring those laughs to life with a little bit of animation! (There were so many moments in fact that I couldn’t fit them all into this video, but I tried to include a bunch of the good’uns, lol)
It’s been a hot minute since I made a silly lil’ animated video like this – I forgot how fun they can be! It’s only a short one, but I really hope y’all enjoy it.
Lemme know which bits gave you the biggest laugh down in the comments! (^^)/
(Tracks in original video sourced from Kevin Macleod / YouTube Audio Library)
This reminds me of the animation you did for Sanders Sides! That was so good and thank you SO MUCH for making that gloriousness! And HOOKING me on Sanders Sides and Thomas as a person lol XD you made that episode so fantastic and put so much emotion into the drawings!!!! ( sorry if this seems unrelated to the current vid I just had to thank you)!!!
I'm eating cake as I watch this lol
ABD Illustrates who I love!
Among Us which I love!
Funny moments which I love!
Conclusion: I love!
This was so adorable
Matt is so great
how is your voice so angelic
Awe this was delightful
I gotta ask, what color is each person?
This is unrelated but the ad I got on this video was a movie trailer for a lesbian Christmas movie and it made me SQUEE
This made my day thank you so much mate!!
The video: "there has been a morydur"
The captions: "there has been a minor"
I love this! Think you guys should keep making these random animations on the side.
"it just feels so liberating" jelfjaldfk lovely
oh my GOD
i love this so much
The one time we see Phil he's a dead body fjesfeagfykdfb
Oke but i can't stop laughing this is amazing 😂
That was adorable 🤣💕
YES I LOVE THIS- I already loved the original video so I actually gasped in real life when I saw this in my notifications
I would not mind seeing more of these
fuckin beautiful. here, have my firstborn
this was awesome XDD
Ive have that small brain moment where I murder in front of some one and get caught and I cant even lie so I literally just confess immidately like the voing starts no one says anything and I'm just yeah it was me.
This brings me joy
"Where the HELL am I– *ooOOOOooh nO*"
This is beautiful I love it
This is so good and so funny, I loved the actual play of it and this is just such a great way to illustrate some of the bits that had me dying!
0:03 Then I'll come back later…
Omggg XDD
This was the perfect cute thing to get me out of bet tiday
Amazing content from an amazing person!
oof as someone named amy who plays as purple this was a trip to watch
This is brilliant, i'm so here for more Among Us content ❤️
I can watch this on repeat all day
My best friend likes the color red, so she always chooses it KNOWING people will think she’s sus (which is stupid).
A couple days ago, I played it for the first time and on the 3rd round I played, I was the imposter and me being the absolute noob I am, I saw 1 person who was just standing over the vents. I went over to kill them buT THE I ACCIDENTALLY PRESSED VENT WITH MY FAT THUMB,,,, AND 2 PEOPLE SAW!!!! So I left the game😂
Best reaction to a corpse :"OhhOhhh noooOOoo"
But Alex, it's never me! I'm never that sus!
– Jenny
I have no idea who the group that played this game is, but they honestly all sound so laid back~ No shouting, and all their voices are so mellow sounding? I think I have found my new favorite lobby of players. They would probably be fantastic to play with!
omg I'm lauging so hard! (and trying not to spit out my tea. or choke. or both…)
i LOVED this.
This is one of the better things I’ve watched for a while
i8 loved every second of this
If a bunch of cinnamon rolls played together
This is friendship goals