The Wolf Among Us Episode 5 ~ BIGBY’S FINAL FORM! / CROOKED MAN DECISION!~ Part 2
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Larry the Cat
The Wolf Among Us Episode 5 Gameplay! This is a The Wolf Among Us Episode 5 : Cry Wolf gameplay walkthrough / playthrough of the episode series The Wolf Among Us. Episode 5 of The Wolf Among Us has several tough decisions, The Wolf among us kill crooked man or let crooked man live / don’t kill crooked man. The Wolf Among us Episode 5 also features Bigby’s final form or final transformation into being a werewolf. The Wolf Among us Episode 5 walkthrough / playthrough is on PC but can also be played on other consoles like PS3 and Xbox 360 and iphone. This The Wolf Among Us Episode 5 Cry Wolf walkthrough will have an informal review at the end and talks of season 2. In this episode of the wolf among us we also encounter bloody mary , snow white , colin , tweedle dum tweedle dee , jersey , georgie dead dies or alive , Vivian dead death or alive, bluebeard, nerissa, and faith.
I'm a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a dog! I'm a big puppy! Lmao 😂
Ugh you're killing me, the blue balls are real from the absent part 3
Best series ever cant wait for the next episode
Up until now, I thought you were the good sherif…. I guess I was wrong XD
Lol I'm a big big puppy
3:50 I wonder if that torture device wheel was the motivation behind the Wheel Skeletons in Dark Souls…
You know Bigby's not a werewolf, right? He's half wolf, half god. Literally, his father is the North Wind. He was born with shapeshifting powers, but never developed them, and is only able to turn into a human because Snow infected him with Lycanthropy. So he's a wolf first, human second. He's literally a wolf who can turn human. Not a werewolf.
Aah. You didn't had the trial.
NOOOOOOOO! I so forgot about the Glamours! Dangit!
Why did you kill him?!
So was that Bigby's form when he knew Red Riding Hood and Collin?
I had a HUGE chill run down my spine looking into Bigby's eyes while he was choking the Crooked Man.