The REAL impostor! Among US Fanart toy -

The REAL impostor! Among US Fanart toy

Raf Grassetti
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#amongus #conceptart #sculpting #3Dprinting

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  1. Yeah painting next and let us know about the challenge asap. 😍😍😍

  2. Wow can't believe your ender 3 printed that yoshimitsu, my ender 3 can't print can't seem to print anything close to that detail lol

  3. Você é muito bom no que faz, e ainda é Brasileiro reconhecido. Parabéns!

  4. Cara, isso tá lindo em um nível ridiculamente alto. Quanto detalhe :O

  5. Thanks Raf, my child it's very happy now

  6. thank you so much for releasing the realistic version, it's going stay to our new monoX xD

  7. Yes please do a painting video.

  8. What a coincidence. I am printing my first 3d printing 'Among Us' character now on Phrozen mini. Looking forward to see your next video for painting. If you don't mind, please put the informations of your paints too.

  9. Tem que fazer uma parceria como o Alexandre do JN pra ele pintar uma das suas incríveis obras de arte!

  10. Foda de mais Rafa ,faz alguma aula de pintura man?

  11. Faz mais, bom demais o conteúdo

  12. Awesome design! Thanks for sharing it!

  13. This is epic man. It would be so cool to be you

  14. Rafa, vc curte mais modelar na argila ou virtualmente?

  15. awesome, what painting materials do you use?

  16. fico top em, um dia chegarei ao seu nível! parabéns XD

  17. orgulho de ser br <3

  18. Really cool stuff!! Also great choice in music!

  19. Hey man, great work, did you have any issues with this anycubic? Do you reccomend the printer for printing models? Thanks.

  20. Raf. The. Among us 👉👈👆

  21. Me desculpa a pergunta, Grassetti, pq vc colocou tempo de exposição de 8? Qual a força de luz UV que tu usou pra colocar esse tempo? Obrigado

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