The Wolf Among Us Episode 5 ~ BIGBY’S FINAL FORM! / CROOKED MAN DECISION!~ Part 2
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The Wolf Among Us Episode 5 Gameplay! This is a The Wolf Among Us Episode 5 : Cry Wolf gameplay walkthrough / playthrough of the episode series The Wolf Among Us. Episode 5 of The Wolf Among Us has several tough decisions, The Wolf among us kill crooked man or let crooked man live / don’t kill crooked man. The Wolf Among us Episode 5 also features Bigby’s final form or final transformation into being a werewolf. The Wolf Among us Episode 5 walkthrough / playthrough is on PC but can also be played on other consoles like PS3 and Xbox 360 and iphone. This The Wolf Among Us Episode 5 Cry Wolf walkthrough will have an informal review at the end and talks of season 2. In this episode of the wolf among us we also encounter bloody mary , snow white , colin , tweedle dum tweedle dee , jersey , georgie dead dies or alive , Vivian dead death or alive, bluebeard, nerissa, and faith.
awwwww..he is adorable in the final form ^_^
Now that really is the BIG BAD FREAKING WOLF!!!
Seriously I thought we would see Bigby transform all the way but that was more awesome than anything.
You are so funny! I don't know why your channel isn't super popular! Keep up the good work 🙂
thank god Swing actually gets references. Some youtubers say WOAH SUPERSONIC ROAR like noooo omg read fairy tales ;~;
Lol i love you! I just subbed! 🙂
Loved your reaction at Wolf mode. Bad choice on the no trial though >_< thanks for videos 😛
Hahah whenever I watch your let's play, you just make the game to seem more exciting than it is xD
I actually DON'T think Bloody Mary is dead. I don't think she would have shattered like that, because they were all reflections of herself as mirrors. And they all shattered like mirrors so I don't think she is gone yet.
Holy shit you're funny as shit! I must watch more!
Am i the only one who think Bigbys full wolf form is actually adorable then super cool?
woah youre the first person ive watched play this who actually killed the crooked man before taking him to snow,thats awesome :3
OMG What have you done?! Poor Crooked Man!!
"I'm a big big puppy!" LOL
Lmao! It was hilarious how you started to have a mini freak out when you realized you had to bring him in. I enjoyed this video very much. Thanks for that.
Where's walking dead season 1
im a wolfblood so i can become a wolf
Best big bad wolf reaction EVER 😀
WOLVES ROCK OH and by the way a love ur vids. Lol u make me laugh lot "eat ur kibble yummmmmm give me glass" XD HILARIOUS XD
You've got a new sub…….. spoilers: ITS ME
Bloody Mary: The name of Elizabeth the 1st's sister who killed a lot of people. She's not from a "fairy tale" as such, she's from a curse type thing, if you say her name 3/5 times in a row in front of a mirror in the dark, she'll come out of the mirror and she'll kill you if you don't turn the lights on. (I think that's how it goes, that's why she has pieces of glass in her)
Big wolf niiice wolf please don't eat me
LOL BIG WOLFIE PUPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-D 😀 😀 😀
This part is amazing but can we just talk about that plot twist ending… my god it was just…. I cant even
She's bloody marry
she is bloody mary and the deer like skull creature is the jersey devil
Pity his werewolf transformation and appearance seemed to be limited. Like they didn't have the budget for anything better, even though it's all animated. Like it wouldn't have been hard to just try harder when he did so.
I said on another forum that Bloody Mary could be a very lean and mean Emma Watson before she transforms into her monstrous half.
!!!so bigby's true form is big bad wolf…….I LOVE HIS TRUE FORM SO MUCH
I genuinely never thought we would get to see Bigby's final form in the series, but I'm glad we did. His two previous forms were OK but pure wolf is pure awesomeness. I freaked first time I seen it I was like "The fight is on now bitch".
Bigby is a cute wolf. SO KAWAIIII
And well he DID try to shoot you so Bigby COULD just claim self defense.
9:13 The look on his face like "what the hell is going on" XD
I'm a dog I'm a dog lmao
this fat bomb don't know what is a dog and wolf
Big big puppy ahahahahaha
Hi swingpoynt! Not sure if your gonna see this but if you so, plz reply. I'm not desperate! Don't judge me! lol
well snow white is the one who wanted auntie greenleefs trie distroyed and bigby kills the crooked man in my opinion distroying auntie greenleefs trie is worse then killing the crooked man and snow white also wanted to send toad and colin to the farm so snow white is more of an asshole then bigby wolf
Bigby is so beautiful as a wolf and so handsome as a man! Man can he kick some serious ass!!!!
Bad idea to kill him but it was great to watch
how bad did the pigs piss him off before to make him go rage mode
Here's the story I always heard, a couple girls were a sleep over one of them told a scary story about you can say a girls name three times in a mirror and she would appear and eat your soul and her name was Bloody Mary all three girls went to the bathroom that Night one was brave enough to stand in front of the mirror and say her name three times, bloody Mary, bloody Mary, bloody Mary, nothing happened one of the girls say see it was a fake horror story. But then the power went out lights flickered at flashed and they heard a strange noise coming from the kitchen one of the girls went there didn't come back and the other two looked in the mirror there she was grab the one who said her name three times the other was left to die
Yo his final form is so cute
I played the whole game department he jumped into a giant wolf was awesome🐺🐺🐺🐺
bloody Mary
Bloody marry
His final form is adorable.
not a dog ITS A WOLF
I Thought Clifford is The Big Puppy…😂😅
Your a wolf