FINDING THE WITCH – The Wolf Among Us Ch.3 Pt.2
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We find the witch and are introduced to some new villians
FINDING THE WITCH – The Wolf Among Us Ch.3 Pt.2
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I'm glad that she didn't post it yesterday because she usually does this after on vid one day then again
I have finished this game
Cupquake you should play The Escapists
hey you know you can also do the walking dead 400 days
U should go on omegle tomorrow and post it on youtube everyone if u want to talk to cupquake than say that u like ihascupquake on omegle and u to cupquake ok
You need to make more videos on the walking dead
I'm making my first video on YouTube soon I need some subs…. If you enjoy cupquake you might enjoy me if you don't you don't have to sub if you do thanks
why would the witch be a little girl……..maybe to hide her uglyness of her face
anyone agree
I'm making my first vid soon I need some subs to cheer me on please sub to me if you like cupquake you might like me if you don't it's ok check out every day I might have. A vid thanks
If I am not wrong… I am the 666 comment 😈😈😈😈
You are going to dream with me now….
Okey, I guess that I should stop eating chocolate at night
P.S Sorry for getting heated I just think you're getting a little thrown off.
Should've burned the tree…
Hope u feel better red : )
Hey cupquake when you said snow was dead she is actually alive
Because lily is a troll and she wanted to look like snow cause she was glammerd I'm not lying I've played berfore 😉 sorry if I have spelling mistakes!!!!!
I was SOO excited when this came out I luv this series thanks cupquake
I think it's Woody or Blue Beard
cup quake can you please comment this it would mean a lot to me
i love your eps but i started watching too late so i wont finish watching them : (
I'm actually addicted to this series XD love you Quake!!!<3
1: she lives with a glamour witch… WHO MAKES GLAMOUR
2: She might be scraped because she might know what going on and doesn't want to face the consequences.
3: She painfully said her she was the only one there, but what kind of a mother does that? Especially if it a mother who seems to want to hide the witchy stuff from her daughter and succeeded
4: Shes a little girl and she should be scared and not able to rebel to the wolf, snow, or cops.
5: She was acting suspicious, and this is TallTell who want to squeeze in a twist or shock every few minutes. Only this was predictable.
Why did you think the brothers worked for Bluebeard… He literally slapped one of them..
Your decision helps you sentence the crooked mans death so you did the right thing
Hi u are cool
For Season 3 of Cloud 9, you should use the Pixelmon mod!
I miss minecraft gameplay
post the next part of the wolf among us please
greenleaf will be useful in the end
I don't want to be rude but cupquake u suck u cant burn a tree cuz it a nice . u should a that thing burned
Make more minecraft videos
Ihascupquake, u should play beyond two souls, it's amazing and has unbelievable graphics! 😀
Can you please make this episodes longer?
iHasCupquake Are you ever going to bring back Enchanted Oasis or a minecraft series because the only reason I watched your videos is because my friend,Lily told me about the game minecraft and said she had found you and told me to check out your videos and then I started to love it and since you ended it I have been kind of sad that it had ended because that's what I would look forward to everyday when i came home from school and now sometimes I second guess myself clicking your channel link and watching your videos but I still love you and you are my favorite and you are the reason I like gaming so much,so thank you Tiffany! <3
Um.. iHasCupquake?? Can you please teach me how to record the computer screen with your voice? Please please tell me. I'm 12 and I just really really want to be youtuber like you.. Please please please please please tell me.. Please please please please.
Bless you red
MORE SIMS 4…please??
Its cool knowing i already know whats gonna happen!!! 🙂
I heard of the crooked man when I was in hospital 😭
Plzzzzzzz do one like every day coz I love these episodes 😎
Cupquake plz make more minecraft i miss it on your channel😩 plz read this❤️💚💙
Cupquake you are amazing !! I love you soo much I watch your videos every single day !!! You make me smile !! <3
I request u to play Growtopia.
Rachel sounds exactly like Vannellope off Wreck It Ralph!!
Play Beyond Two Souls, Last Of Us or Game Of Thrones after this please!! x
Get ready for the mirrors, the horrors, the bloody and Mary…
You are to fucking gentle she is a fucking murderer burn the fucking tree for fuck sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are the big bad fucking wolf, so you need to be hard and mean!!!!!!!!!
+iHasCupquake. Is the wolflAmong US having season 2?
hope you keep making these awesome videos, i really do enjoy them. i love how if i'm down or if anything is wrong i can come to your channel and watch these videos to cheer me up. it's always fun to have a laugh watching your videos, keep up the good work cupquake <3