FINDING THE WITCH – The Wolf Among Us Ch.3 Pt.2
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We find the witch and are introduced to some new villians
FINDING THE WITCH – The Wolf Among Us Ch.3 Pt.2
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I take back what I said I love this game
Bless you Red
this game is amazing i love you cupquake
Not gonna blame you for accusing Bluebeard after what you saw, it was very easy and reasonable to do so, but yet again it still wasn't the case….The game makes a habit of tempting you to jump to conclusions like crazy.
I love these story play throughs they are really cool and cup quake your amazing
I got the beats from doctor trey
I think that the tweedle brothers want you to lay off crane so they can have him science there detectives
Is it the walking dead
I cant ressist watching this
You shouldve gone to cranes apartment first and then the trip trap, so couldve found the witch faster
You should do more wolf among us
you smoke
I have this game it op
I played this game and wait till u see who the murder was. You have lots more to learn. LOTS MORE
Ten facts about you:
1. Your a human
2. You have read at least one book in your life
3. Your on YouTube
4. You want more The Wolf Among Us
5. Even if your male, you started as a female in the womb
6. You (now or before) know that zebras are actually black with white stripes
7. Your reading this on a electronic
8. You now know I have a kitten named Cookie
9. You've ate before
10. You just finished reading this!
Leave a like if you think Cupquake should do more The Wolf Among Us ;D
When are you getting back to your MINECRAFT videos Cupquake? 😭 I miss them like if you agree.
Play poi
Play poi
Do today again
I need it I'm addicted
I never watched the wolf among us and by looking at five seconds of the video is this made by telltale games?
Ihascupquake when you said the one i smock i thought you smocked
Don't you think that is Snow White and Bigby had a baby it would be so cute.
cupquak plyz make new osios if you no il be sad so plyz make a new osios
Hey there Cupquake thank you for the lovely videos you do i always have fun with you laughing and saying jokes and more thank you for being ur self and being the best :3
The killer is the crooked
Man no lie
(Hate me I don't care ._.)
Cupquake i feel like your being to gentle with this game! I get that you want to be understanding but still it would be good to show some "skin back". I thought you would go with the badass side with bigby but I guess I thought wrong…Look,Can you you try to be a bit more agressive? I apologize for any inconvenience I might have had with some people reading this.
I don't think it's Bluebeard either… Games like this always make it seem like someone, then BAM! It's someone else. It's no fun if you can figure out who it is right away…
Англичанигы задолбали чо только англичанины смотрят
I' think if you burn the tree, wich die
I don t know why but when the green came up when you opened the glamour thing I thought she turned into a fable or something I'm not sure
how do I mail you fan art cupquake
U can catch butterflies in Terraria now.
i really liked the episode i cant believe that the little mermaid is a stripper
I knew it because everything you touched she said no
I think the w stands for witch on the package you saw down in the secret hidden door. In tweetle Dee and Tweedle Dum Dums office
I would like to suggest a game to you its called unturned and you can get it on steam for free
You posted this on my birthday :3
It's not Bluebeard!!!! Get it through your head!!
You shuld play a map or start a series on a server plese
Someone else smokes huff and puff
Can I have your FaceTime number plzzz
If you pause at 3:15 bigbys face is really funny
Ya the crooked man demanded goergie to kill the girls
He tyres to kill nerissa