FINDING THE WITCH – The Wolf Among Us Ch.3 Pt.2
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We find the witch and are introduced to some new villians
FINDING THE WITCH – The Wolf Among Us Ch.3 Pt.2
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I can't believe that bight turns into a giant wolf againest bloodymary the poopy girl she broke bigby freaking arm
I mean bigby
At eps. 5
There is no eps.6 which sucks
Can use play Crossy Road on ur tablet
Is it weird I think Bigby is attractive?
She's rated the 44th best youtuber
I still think it's crane
play minecraft story mode
Play Gone Home please
Could you please make a video tomorrow
The man who plays the voice of Blubeard plays the voice of Lee in the Telltale game of " The Walking Dead". U can look it up!😮
You should have burn the tree when you had the chance
CupQuake if u r reading this tell Red I said: BLESS U RED!!!
You should of hired green leaf because she is useful later on. Ugh
What did it feel when you went to mine con
Happy old years! Happy new years! Cupquake$$$
Ihascupquake can u bring back mine craft oasis please?????
It wouldn't surprise me if Bigby dies next tbfh, he leaves a bloody trail of cigarettes behind him wherever he goes -.-
Play MLP containment breach next please.
It's the clock from Beauty & the Beast 😱 haha
Ihascupquak do you know that bloody mary is in the wolf among us.
Bluebeard isn't the bad guy
Cupquake i want to see you some time im 8 years old and im from delicias mexico ill be happy for life if i see you and red if nou ill be sad so come to delicias mexico PLZ :DDD
There's no more minecraft??
Bluebeard had to do it because he used to decapitate his wives heads
Crane Is the murder but I think the monkey is somewhat connected to crane
That frog hat that flycatcher has scared the HELL out of me
She doesn't do anymore minecraft videos
If I could I would make a billion Chanel's and I would subscribe to you with all the Chanel's that I had made
After the wolf among us please play the last of us it has amazing graphics!!!!!!!!!
you r so nice and so awsome
I can't wait for the next episode.. It's gonna be epic! 😀
You should really try a game game called roblox.
As soon as that little girl opened the door i knew it was aunty greenleaf!!!
I think you need to start a new mine craft world because its starting to get boring with just husband vs wife and the wolf among us :/
Cupquake you should play dumb ways to die 2
Cupquake you are amazing don't ever change!
Can you plz do more Walking Dead, I am dieing to see more. Plz do more.
Hi cupquake!
i need to tell you something about how I feel about your channel
when you said you are going to stop playing minecraft i cried because im a HUGE fan of your channel and minecraft
but now when i look at your videos i am happy an i know alot of fans are mad at you for doing that but i am happy and i think you made the right discussion
another thing your channel is starting to get well… not kid friendly like the walking dead and well this video and i dont know how i feel about that and well its your choice what to play but just something to keep in mind
but thats it i really enjoy your channel and keep up with the good work
love your channel!
if you agree with
That thing in the box looked like a mini nuke
Hey cupquake I love ur channel….but sadly not anymore I find all these games very boring and not fun I miss enchanted oasis and oasis and cloud 9 when u were playing mincecraft I loved ur channel now adays im contemplating wheter to unsubscribe or stay soo im not hating I love u but im getting bored of you so….. 😊 im sorry just bring back more minecraft :)))))
Keeping that tree will save you if you would have burned the tree I think you will be doomed ! Keep playing, at the end I'd liked it better then the Walking Dead 1 and 2 !
plezz make a minecraft singel player seres
Can you make the episodes longer because I love the gameplay.
Please play more of this Series I live for it and you left us I ah when you ended the last vid please play more 🙀