“Why do they keep killing me?” -Sykkuno | Among Us
Fan Art
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Sykkuno, OTV and friends play the new update in Among Us.
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I do not own any of the clips shown in the video and all credit goes to the streamers. I am simply just an editor for fun.
For any inquiries please DM me here:
Background Music:
“Plain Loafer” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
“The Cannery” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
“Covert Affair” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
“Decisions” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
Outro Music:
One Verse – Snow Heart
Designed by Freepik
Looks like our bathroom trip was a success guys -sykkuno 2020
I forgot who died but at least it wasn't us -sykkuno 2020
Ah poop -sykkuno 2020
"I keep dying so maybe I'll just hide at this corner where no one goes to"
peter has entered the corner
"wth are you doing at that corner sykkuno?"
"I was just trying not to die"
How do you make animations they are awesome
Is it just me or does someone else also feel/see the pain in Sykkuno's eyes, like there's just something going on the he can't tell to anybody?
And his smile, he's hiding it, maybe its because he is ashamed of it or he's faking it..
This channel is amazing. I always die from laughter watching your videos. I guess we have the same sense of humor XD.
Holy shit nice ygo reference
Love your editing! Glad you put a lot of effort into it unlike others who just steal VODs
Poor Sykkuno 😭😭😭
YOW Masayoshi enters Peeners dead body
"Why do they keep killing me?"
-Sykkuno 2020
Sad Sykkuno 🙁
Sykkuno has a theory
Its him!!!
8:00 the bg music is from Command and Conquer 3 kains wrath
So you going ask rae out sykkuno maybe offering to the blood God for peace 🙂
At 9:40, has she never played this game before lmao ik she has but she so salt cuz thought crewmates had a chance. It's impossible to win with 2 impostors and 6 players. The round starts, you sabotage, u kill.
Lmao at 16:00 that was clearly a bunch of women ganging up on one guy…
for a second i thought on the right side on the thumbnail was itsfunneh and rainbow lol anywho SMASH LIKE IF U WANNA BE PART OF THE KREW
Why do these dude pee for so long like I would be done in 10 seconds toast:1 minutes sykkuno;50 seconds
Why does sykonna laugh so gayly
Ig I’m here before this channel blows up o – o
No one is talking about how John vanished into thin air
Sykkuno keeps letting his guard down, he needs to yell more he NEEDS TO MAKE THEM BELIEVE HIM
This happens to me every game
for the clip where he accused link he shouldve said, "lights were off, how did you see me kill?"
cord sabotage
100th comment
There should be an extra task bar for ghosts to say when ghosts are done with tasks
So did you do those drawings?You deserve more
Because you are so sus all the time
I like your editing, keep the good work!
Sykkuno never lies, that was just "a good acting" * insert sykkuno's eh*
Sykkuno is the chillest gamer
I love all this mini-Animations in Among Us!
Who ships sykkuno with corpse, even tho he’s not in the vid, u wish he was
The same thing happenes to me (no one believes me)
The intro is so frustrating i felt it
Sykkuno: Ah, poop
Poor sykkuno
I would have been pissed if this happened
Sykkuno:Woah,He just went into the wall!!!
Me:dOEs tHe gROUnd lOOks lIKe a wALl tO yOu?
Sykkuno:None Goes Here
Peter:Comes out of decontamination and comes to where Sykkuno was.
Kimi:Comes Along with Peter
Me:sOMe pPl gO tHEre!sO wDyM pPl dONt gO tHEre?
Sykuno: alright im going to go to the bathroom
Me who also needs to go: bladder thing?
sykkuno: gets the murderers right
everyone: lmao get outta here
dude fr how is he so chill i would be annoyed
Masayoshi: jumps in wall 14:49
This is Accurate Among Us
others is fake.
12:13 Hoon?? Gosu hoon?
your videos are so hilarious and well-edited lmao