Valkyrae DRANK a little too much.. | DRUNK Among Us Funny Moments
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I do not own any of the clips shown in the video and all credit goes to the streamers.
For any inquiries please message me here –
Email: [email protected]
Background Music:
“Bossa Antigua” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
“Investigations” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
Music Provided by Mitch Music
Title: Funny Bone
“Hall of the Mountain King” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
“Enchanted Valley” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
“Fuzzball Parade” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
Outro Music:
One Verse – Snow Heart
She seems totally fine
Your animaion and edits are the best!!
A comment for the algorithm
"We should vote the person we think is the cutest"
Sykkuno *votes for himself*
Another great video
rae got so drunk she thought sykkuno was impostor
Rae: I'm not drunk
Also Rae: Came out of the vent in front of everyone.
Rae needs to react to her drunk game lol
The edits r quitee gooooddddd
You have the best edits! Also. Drunk rae is so cute 🥰
This was equally hilarious as their first proximity lmao
Shes fine..dont worry
Okay I usually just watch toast's stream but for this drunk among us I need to watch all povs 😂 😂
Good compilation
U should put some of the clips from here on Rae's reddit cuz she might see it! The editing is really good on these 🙂
"Why do I need to water my plant?"-Valkyrae
The mystery of life by Tim and Moby
5up stuck still makes me laugh
I laughed so hard
I hope Rae see this its hilarious jdsghdskjgdsg
Really enjoyed the rae-centric vid, good variety 😀
10:51 and that's how someone's crazy enought to build nuclear bomb
"Should I be concerned or is she OK?" LMAO I-
this is so funny. now off to raes stream hahaha
What does sykunno mean when he asked rae " you wanna practice your regeneration?" 👀
Rae asking herself if she's being too loud then shouts right after it is the most drunken thing I've ever seen.
dear god her laugh when she's drunk XDDD
when ludwig died after sykkuno killed him was so hilarious cuz of the sound in the ghost chat XD
3:53 u cut the part where sykkuno said wait why didnt i just report thr body
Rae is Harley Quinn
6:08 😂😂🤣🤣
Did Rae drink too much?
Nah, she seems fine
I lost it when rae did card swipe so fast three times hahahaha
When they were voting for who's the cutest toast voted corpse
You are one of the only channels that gives the pov of each.
Rae is so cute drunk and laughing hard 😂
Pssp guys… I think raes abit drunk
This video should just be titled Valkyrea is definitely drunk
Seeing rae coming out of the vent and scaring ash was the funniest part of this round 😂
Immediately subbed. Your edits are gold. Luuuuurve
Jesus lud and sykkuno was funny
“Step 5up” lol 😂 😂
6:07 oh god Jack 🤣🤣
Omg Sykkuno and Jacks talking was funny
Maybe Rae is just tired but she's just drinking cedar and she's already drunk like that lol
Rae's last part reminded me of biden
Step 5up 😂😂😂😂😂😂
rae definitely drank too much.