There Is Confusion Among Us -

There Is Confusion Among Us

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blue is sus no not that blue the blue blue

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Friends in this video:
@Seigi VA
@The Tiger Hour

There Is Confusion Among Us

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  1. I really like how everybody has their own quirks

    Sneeg: Guilt tripping
    Drumsy: Notepad
    Seigi: Voice
    Macro: Yelling or accusing Slime
    Slime: Bullshit stories and getting killed immediately
    Typho: Being impostor

  2. Never have I seen something as funny as this.
    I think.

  3. Y'all are simping for his voice and to be honest? I don't blame them-

  4. 19:03
    'BuT i JuSt HiT tHe BuTtOn AnD yA HaPpEnEd To DiE'-Charlie Slimesicle 2020

  5. Is anyone going to talk about the fact that he always changes backgrounds

    And this time he a toy kitchen in the background


  6. I want to put seigi ,corpses husband and sykuno in a discord chat

  7. has seigi and corpse ever done a video together? if they have can someone link it in the replies xx

  8. why did slimeicicles subscribe thing sound like Welcome to Nightvale

  9. I must tell you that the scientific name for a pig is sus, and sus also means up in Romanian.

  10. I’ve watched all of these videos over and over. Idk why, but they make me very happy.

  11. I like how only Michael Horsey and me realised how slime f*cked the sub stats up

  12. Slime may be the best 3rd imposter, but he's probably Typho's favorite person

  13. bruh to break this confusion you could have said

    Blue named pink is sus

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