The Most DISTURBING Among Us Animations... it's gone TOO FAR! -

The Most DISTURBING Among Us Animations… it’s gone TOO FAR!

Views: 128827
Like: 13831
Among Us animations are getting worse…

#AmongUs #AmongUsMeme #AmongUsAnimation

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  1. These among us live action stuff almost made me puke my lunch

  2. At the moment this video has the same amount of veiws as subs therefore at the moment there is a chance that everyone who watched the video is subscribed

  3. amog us

    yes it was stolen

  4. Ok listen here you little burger cooking machine, don't ever make fun of cg5 because he makes cooler content than you

  5. ya.. ya i think grill is right among us is getting milked

  6. It sucks

    Even online

    I'll go back to Spiderman 3 xbox 360

  7. Grill:says cg5 song sucks

  8. your subscribers have doubled since you made this lol

  9. Grill: makes an among us song

    get 20M views

    now im part of the problem

  10. This makes believe that humans were a mistake

  11. Your not the problem there is people out there that scam little kids and thinking that they're going to get free stuff what's among us

  12. One YouTuber is the biggest simp

    Grill : become a bigger simp

  13. Ok May I ask who is making all these babies we had 7.4 million people in population give me the answer

  14. This aged pretty f**king well, because Among us is dying

  15. Budget Brendon Urie…

    Keep salting the Grill, Brew. I can almost taste the Yeet

  16. Guava Juice comes on: im going to gouge out my eyes now, thanks

  17. I want to jump off a bridge now because of among us cringe

  18. The only reason why the videos get so much views is because the little kids are watching it over and over again.

  19. Only the among us I liek is dogs playing it because theg are GAMERS

  20. The "Eject Me" song made me laugh like a donkey

  21. I was with you…. til you slandered CG5. Then I was with you again after that.

  22. Cut a Among Us cake with a 1000 degree Knife
    999 M vies

  23. i found one good among us video. it was a moonbase alpha video but with among us animation

  24. Wait wait, is it lo-fi i hear in the background of this vid??

  25. plus anything better than normal tv probably works for most people who are stuck with cable and have nothing else

  26. This is comedy gold, but Brew and chill combined with Grill make a perfect trio

  27. also really wanna see your guitar idk why but I'm just super curious on what it looks like

  28. cool the photo from the life hacks is there in the room

  29. I need the link to the song in the video beginning.

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