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One of us on board is a imposter… we have to figure out who it is.
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Anyone remember ShiningOracle in Roblox from Funneh's Sacrifice Santuary (idk how to spell)
I’m actually sorry for lunar that she died in the first round:P
12 for com
Well in the second round when black was sus, orange voted for skip which is very sus to me and I was correct
I’m your biggest fan
Can we just appreciate the beautiful thumbnail lunar made 😍
i think shiningoracle is one of krews friend in the friend list bc she was there here and sacrifice santuary
Group: Sneaky Squad
Members: Funneh, Orange, Black
New album single: “Alright, Sneaky Squad, Let’s do it!” XD
(Its a joke, so don’t take it seriously and search it up, it’s from a rlly funny line in the video, in my opinion)
Time stamp: 5:24
funneh and draco fighting draco imposter or funneh imposter they dumb ;-:
Can we just appreciate lunars thumbnail and Funneh when lunar dies.Funneh:I saw orange and yellow by the lever and me
um hi
I like blue and purple and light blue and blue is the best
I did not say pink in there
When draco was screaming because black was folllowing him it was so funny 🤣🤣🤣
Press "Tab" to open map.
It was funneh and reinbow😂🤣
Your My fevrit youter funneh
Draco is it I know it even when he is not imposter
I love how funneh pulled a "funneh never dies" when it was revealed that she was impasta
When krew plays roblox but not in private server
Me:why ShiningOracle always there lol
Lol why does lunar say MURDAR
Funneh: Accidentally said she’s an imposter
Also Funneh : it was at the moment that she knew she messed up
Me: Draco, (next round) DRACO, Im done Im so done
Me: i actually played that game
Random person:nobody care's
My mind: KILL THEM!!!😈😈😈
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orange was twirking
Hm… I think I saw ShiningOracle somewhere before… could it be… in the TPN video? Or Basement Sanctuary???? Hmmmmmm…