Mini Crewmate Kills Just Shape & Beats Boss | Among Us -

Mini Crewmate Kills Just Shape & Beats Boss | Among Us

Damn Seconds
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let Red shape you

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  1. The song is similar to ( mini crewmate
    killing geometry dash )

  2. Bro if this was real I would puke play it the time you put us amazing keep the AMOGUS

  3. Someone make a mod for this, then make Merg play it.

  4. This is just like the geometry dash but more epicer

  5. Nothing sus. It's just shape and Beats…

  6. is remix from geometry dash

  7. You should make an actual just shapes and beats mod for this

  8. Y'all notice he killed that dude with the triangle

  9. i was expecting a meme, but i got something better.

  10. i was literally playing this gaem after i got notified

  11. This needs to be an actual boss fight in a mod

    also what is the music

  12. i like how this giys went form a cringe dude to a legend

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