Making The Dead, Ghost, And Imposter From Among Us Using Polymer Clay
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Today I will show you how to make the dead, the ghosts, and the imposter in the vent using polymer clay! After making the astronauts, I really wanted to create some more characters, but there isn’t too much else to make. With the help from you guys in the comments, I came up with this video though!
– Among Us astronauts:
– Discord:
– Join the poll here:
– The clay I use is FIMO soft polymer clay
I hope you all enjoyed the video, thank you for watching! I will see you all in the next one!
– Among Us astronauts:
– Discord:
– Join the poll here:
– The clay I use is FIMO soft polymer clay
I hope you all enjoyed the video, thank you for watching! I will see you all in the next one!
It’s so cool it looks so much like it really looks like!!! :0 so real! I love it 😀 keep this great work up! 😀
A lot of the hats need to be bought, but the PC has more hats in the base game than the mobile version!
Idk man, you seem kinda sus to me
They're so adorable!
:O again its .. itss… beatuful
Please make the pets next time.
Edit: these are the examples mini crewmate, brainslug, Henry and elly, wall-e, dog, and hamster.
Very nice! I love it!
Can you do another fall guys video?
Bro you be grown by 2k since I’ve last seen you 😉
love it
Love the Viking helmet very cute
wow is amazing :000 👌👌👌👍👍👍
Its funny how he says “amon us” cuz i dont hear the “g” lol
Edit: no offense btw 🙂
can you make a mini crewmate?
You should make something from Minecraft
Sooooooo close to 3 thousand keep it coming!!!!!!!!!
i just love to see his video
Btw if you make the map you can do free play and see the map freely
i got clay and im making among us characters for a stop motion im making and i came across this. this really helped me with the design of the characters thank you.
You can by the Viking hat on it’s own
Are we going to ignore how he says:
Amon us
You should make an imposter killing a crewmate with clay
you can make tasks and you can do the tasks
CG5 in "Show Yourself": I can feel it in my bones
me: U mean ur bone
I can't stop watching its to cool
Ooooh that’s cool! Now that your in my subscriptions I can watch more of your videos which are awesome! I think I might try to make one but I don’t have clay so I need to get some.
I love among us😃😄
No one:
Absolutely no one:
You: clicks read more
I love the way you make your masks btw! I'm going rn to try it!
you keep saying amon us its among us
no hate your amazing
You can buy hats skins and pets as dlc
im making a dead bodyes
Make a giant Clay
Super mario
Donald Donald trump sucks
Do you now what is moding
Hi KerobyX! Could you possibly put your sculpting tools in your description? I’m a beginner and would like to have those tools to use? I’m wanting to find some but can’t find they’re names…. if you could I would appreciate that and many too.
I'm looking at the thing and listening to it so I can make. it
At 5:54 in video you said amon us not among us but BTW love the creativity
1234567 you 8863
Orange Kinda Sus Tbh
You buy that in the game
Dead body
you mast buy the hats in among as
Cool bro
wow you make the goggles look so easy! amazing work