Kakashi and Sasuke play among us - amongus.gallery

Kakashi and Sasuke play among us

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if kakashi and sasuke played among us this might be how it would go down #shorts

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  1. Wtf bro boruto's dad??

    The damn Audacity of you

  2. kakashi only killed them with his bad dancing skills

  3. Kakashi can’t beat Madara

    But Vibing Kakashi can

  4. No one could Kakashis best jusu ……vibing. lol

  5. "Borutos dad"
    Everyone: doom soundtrack starts playing

  6. The thing that pisses me off is he said boruto’s dad

  7. Do my eyes deceive me or did it say boruto’s dad?

  8. How the do you not know the man that started this entire series his name is Naruto Uzumaki

  9. Did you actually call him borutos dad? Did you forget narutos name?!

  10. I thought the akatsuki was the impostorers

  11. Sakura : no what are you doing sasuke and kakashi sensei
    Sasuke : i am the imposter
    Kakashi: just vibin'

  12. Dafoq why not call naruto why instead call him boruto dad call him naruto foka or else i will corupt your computer and bank account with thorn

  13. borutos dad is my favorite boruto character

  14. Can't I request for that dancing kakashi 🤣🤣

  15. Kakashi: (dancing) yeaaaaaaaaaa b*tch
    Sasuke: yeaaaaaaaaaaa

  16. Me watching sees borutos dad* Ok that just disrespectful. He has a name

  17. AJAJAJAJAJAJAJJA UWUnaruto🙂👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 A

  18. WHY IS KAKASHI EVER DANCING i actually like it but why?!

  19. Shikamaru would have figured them out by time the first victim had fallen.

  20. Burh.. kaka was killing it in more than one way xD this man can dance.

  21. Oww man… Don't do Boruto's dad like that!

  22. Meanwhile kakshi killing everyone with his dope moves

  23. Hate for the reason "Naruto's Dad" bruh what are you like 8

  24. Kakashi vibed so hard even sasuke was vibing a lil bit

  25. “Borutos dad”
    They saved the best for last

  26. I love how the crewmates were dying just by looking at kakashi dancing

  27. The dancing at the end was VERY necessary 👌🏼very nice👌🏼

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