Impostor vs Crewmate | Among Us : Draw My Life -

Impostor vs Crewmate | Among Us : Draw My Life

Draw My Story
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Impostor vs Crewmate Draw My Life is the story of face off between the imposter and the crewmates and the epic story of Among Us. And of-course impostor is the one who disguises among the crewmates and try to being one among them. The impostor is always in search of the perfect situation to attack and kill a crewmate. If you wanna know more about this fight, then watch this Impostor vs Crewmate Draw My Life.
How to send Fan art :
Please send me your beautiful fan arts in the email below. And I would love to give the best art piece a shout out in my next video.
Email : [email protected]
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  1. So whose team are you?Team Impostor or Team Crewmate?

  2. If Imposters were nice: Imposters: hey, does your planet have a power source? Humans: nope 🙁 Imposters: ok. If not, can we live here? Humans: ok : )

  3. youtubes brocken what is see is it says 20 comments yet i cant see them

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