FNF imposter V4 fanart pibby Maroon&White - amongus.gallery

FNF imposter V4 fanart pibby Maroon&White

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#FNF #amongus #shorts #fanart #pibby
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  1. Black can't corrupt but good art 😀

  2. Of course the two that gets shipped together cause it’s canon gets put together

  3. Black would definitely stick the middle finger if it could lol😅

  4. Idk why people makes white and maroon like eachother like idk

  5. Its a great Fnf + Among us + Learning with pibby concept.
    I rate it a 10/10

  6. but if Clowfoe said that Black cannot be infected by Darkness or Glitch and also the Corruption of fnf

  7. dato el black no se puede corromper por el virus pibby por que su ip es superior

  8. Yey el impostor negro es unmune al glicht

  9. Black is an EXE so that means he can't get pibbyfied

  10. I never understood why black is purple instead of.. well black

  11. El impostor negro es inmune al glitch de pibby

  12. Hey i make double trouble but its pibby glitch

    Got pibby glitch : white and black
    Survivor: pink and red
    Background: red background from imposter v1 to v4?
    Good ending: they save white but not black because he too overpower and he go to the spaceship and find green seem green got corrupted and yellow is still survivor
    Bad ending: red got corruption ( almost ) also pink still survival but bf came to the recuses and black was sent free by the darkness but white didtent green and yellow are now corruption

  13. Black can't literally get corrupted

  14. What is the thickness of the brush or whatever you used? If you use ibis paint x. Idk. Just tell me the brush thickness

  15. Maroooon yes but next time make black in his full form

  16. Its fantastic but i suggest the visors to be cracked too

  17. The fact Black can't even get corrupted by the Pibby Glitch 'cause he's already corrupted by the Impostors

  18. Fun fact! Black is corrupted himself meaning that the Darkness has no effect on Him!

  19. Even after so many years and months
    I didn’t get the pibby hype

  20. Não gostei do primeiro mas do preto eu gostei pra carai

  21. black will just defeat the pibby corruption in an instant

  22. It should be impossible for Black to get infected, right?

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